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A new step towards the gradual easing of measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic

At its regular session of 16 April, the Government took a new step towards the gradual easing of measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic.
The Government took a new step towards the gradual easing of measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic

The Government took a new step towards the gradual easing of measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic

It amended the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of offering and selling goods and services to consumers in the Republic of Slovenia and added new exceptions to the ones already existing, including stores selling mostly construction and installation materials, technical goods or furniture, specialised shops for selling motor vehicles and bicycles, dry cleaners and repair shops, the personal collection of goods or food at pick-up points ensuring minimum contact with consumers, hair and beauty salons, certain sports and recreational services, pet grooming salons. The Ordinance will enter into force on 20 April, while some of the exceptions listed above (e.g. hairdressing salons, pet grooming salons) will take effect on 4 May.

At its regular session, the Government adopted the Ordinance on the deployment of graduate doctors, graduate dentists, doctors on secondment, intern dentists, specialty trainees and dental specialty trainees.

In order to contain and control the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ordinance requires that all doctors and dentists who are not licensed but are included in the healthcare system (doctors on secondment, interns and specialty trainees) also be included in the implementation of measures.

The possibility of obtaining funds from the EU Solidarity Fund for COVID-19 in support of the measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Slovenia will look into the possibility of obtaining funds from the EU Solidarity Fund for COVID-19 in support of the measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology has been put in charge of coordinating the ministries in obtaining and exercising the financial contribution from the EU Solidarity Fund. In the first stage, the key task is to prepare an assessment of direct damage, which will be drawn up by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief on the basis of data provided by individual line-ministries.

The damage assessment is to include all eligible costs for the implementation of emergency measures to contain the spread of the pandemic for a period of four months from the date the epidemic was declared. Slovenia declared an epidemic on 12 March 2020.

Slovenia is managing the COVID-19 epidemic successfully