Skoči do osrednje vsebine

IAEA (angleško International Atomic Energy Agency) je specializirana mednarodna organizacija, ki med drugim organizira srečanja v državah članicah. Uprava za jedrsko varnost je kontaktna točka za vse tečaje, delavnice, seminarje, konference, simpozije ali tehnične sestanke, ki jih IAEA organizira v okviru programa tehničnega sodelovanja in pomoči ali v okviru katerega koli drugega programa.

Navodila za prijavo in izdelavo poročila o usposabljanju na dogodku IAEA

Prijave na dogodke, ki jih organizira IAEA, pošilja Uprava za jedrsko varnost. Če je zahtevana spletna prijava, jo morajo kandidati oddati sami, Uprava za jedrsko varnost pa prijave pregleda in odobri. Prijavo morajo kandidati oddati do roka, ki ga določi Uprava za jedrsko varnost, izjemoma pa do roka, ki ga določi IAEA. Za prijavo na kateri koli dogodek je treba, poleg zahtevanih dokumentov, poslati tudi pisno dovoljenje oziroma prijavni dopis direktorja vaše ustanove ali vodje vaše organizacijske enote. Prijave pošljite po pošti, faksu ali e-pošti oziroma jih oddajte na spletni strani. Spodaj so povezave do kratkih navodil za pripravo prijavne dokumentacije ter do prijavnih obrazcev v okviru programa tehnične pomoči in sodelovanja, ki se uporabijo samo, kadar spletna prijava ni mogoča.

Navodila za prijavo

Navodila za uporabo spletne aplikacije IAEA

Obrazec za sestanek/delavnico

Obrazec za tečaj

Vsak udeleženec dogodkov IAEA mora v dveh tednih po opravljeni službeni poti Upravi za jedrsko varnost poslati poročilo o usposabljanju oziroma udeležbi. Poročilo naj vsebuje naslov dogodka, čas trajanja dogodka, opis dogodka ter predvsem rubriko "Komentar/priporočilo". V tej rubriki naj udeleženec kratko in jedrnato opiše, kaj bi bilo smiselno v Sloveniji spremeniti ali izboljšati na podlagi naukov iz tega srečanja. Poročilo naj bo dolgo eno stran. Spodaj je povezava do obrazca za pripravo poročila.

Obrazec - Poročilo o dogodku

Seznam dogodkov IAEA

LETO 2024

ESTRO Training Courses in 2024, under TC project RER6040: Enhancing Radiotherapy Delivery Through Improved Use of Advanced Dosimetry and Radiotherapy Techniques, razpored (pdf), spletna prijava

EANM/ESMIT Training Courses in 2024, under TC project RER6041: Enhancing and Harmonizing Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging Capabilities, razpored (pdf), spletna prijava


Technical Meeting on Utilization Related Design Features of Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 29. julij - 2. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Interregional Training Course on Childhood Cancer Imaging, under TC project INT6065: Contributing towards Improved Survival in Childhood Cancer Using Radiation Medicine and Nutrition, Dunaj, Avstrija, 29. julij - 2. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Interregional Training Course on Sustainability and Circularity in Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Projects, under TC project INT2020: Enhancing Capacity Building to Promote Successful Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Projects, Erevan, Armenija, 29. julij - 2. avgust 2024, info (pdf)


Technical Meeting on Leadership for a Changing Nuclear Landscape, Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 8. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Processing Technologies for Irradiated Graphite Waste, Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 9. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Workshop on Strategic Directions for the Establishment of the Integrated Management System of Regulatory Bodies, under TC Project RER9158: Strengthening the Regulatory Infrastructure for Radiation Safety, Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 9. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Training Course on Alpha-Particle Spectrometry for Determination of Natural Radionuclides in Water Samples, under TC project RER7014: Improving Environmental Monitoring and Assessment for Radiation Protection in the Region, Seibersdorf, Avstrija, 5. -  9. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Pilot Training Course on the Method for Developing Arrangements for Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 9. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Advancements and Innovations in High Temperature Technologies for the Processing of Radioactive Waste, Dunaj, Avstrija, 12. - 16. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

International Training Course on Regulatory Functions for the Security of Nuclear Material, Nuclear Facilities and Associated Activities, Seibersdorf, Avstrija, 12. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on the Deployment of Advanced Manufacturing Solutions for the Nuclear Power Industry, Dunaj, Avstrija, 19. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Meeting on the Development of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), under TC project RER2018: Analyzing Low Carbon Pathways towards an Ambitious Decarbonized Energy Sector by 2050, Erevan, Armenija, 19. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Conceptual Site Models in the Management of Radioactively Contaminated Land, virtualni dogodek, 19. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

International Training Course on Computer Security Fundamentals for Nuclear Security, Dunaj, Avstrija, 19. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Interregional Training Course on Cost Estimation and Financing for Environmental Remediation, under TC project INT2020: Enhancing Capacity Building to Promote Successful Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Projects, Pretoria, Južnoafriška republika, 19. - 23. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

International Meeting on the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 26. - 30. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on International Experiences in the Conditioning of Category 3–5 Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources, Dunaj, Avstrija, 26. - 30. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Nuclear Site Repurposing and Stakeholder Engagement in the Context of Circular Economy and Sustainability, Dunaj, Avstrija, 26. - 30. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Workshop on Teaching Nuclear Technologies, under TC project RER0049: Enhancing the Capacities of Educational Institutions for the Sustainable use of Nuclear Technologies, Tartu, Estonija, 26. - 30. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

International Training Course on Insider Threats Using the Shapash 3D Model, Seibersdorf, Avstrija, 26. - 30. avgust 2024, info (pdf)

Training Course on Fundamentals of Safe, Secure and Sustainable Nuclear Power Generation through the Intercontinental Nuclear Institute (INI), under TC project RER2018: Analyzing Low Carbon Pathways towards an Ambitious Decarbonized Energy Sector by 2050, virtualno: 26. avgust - 27. september 2024, Praga, Češka: 7. - 19. oktober 2024, Lowell, ZDA: 20. oktober - 1. november 2024, info (pdf)

Inholland Academy's VMAT Treatment Planning Course, under TC project RER6040: Enhancing Radiotherapy Delivery Through Improved Use of Advanced Dosimetry and Radiotherapy Techniques, virtualni dogodek, 30. avgust 2024 - 28. februar 2025, info (pdf)


Interregional Meeting on the Selection of Disposal Options for Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS), under TC Project INT9187: Sustaining Cradle to Grave Control of Radioactive Sources Phase III, Santiago de Chile, Čile, 2. - 6. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Good Practices in Operation and Maintenance and Ageing Management Programs for Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 2. - 6. september 2024, info (pdf)

E-learning Course on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Application with Foundational-level Regulation, under TC project RAS0089: Developing Human Resources to Support the Utilization of Nuclear Technology for Development Including Emerging Needs, virtualni dogodek, 2. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Third Technical Meeting on Plasma Disruptions and their Mitigation, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, Francija, 3. - 6. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on the Nuclear Security Implications of Counterfeit, Fraudulent and Suspect Items, Dunaj, Avstrija, 4. - 6. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities, Amsterdam, Nizozemska, 9. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Basic Radiation Chemistry in Polymer Modification, Lodz, Poljska, 9. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Training Course on Financial and Economic Evaluation for Large Energy Projects, under TC project RER2018: Analyzing Low Carbon Pathways towards an Ambitious Decarbonized Energy Sector by 2050, Ankara, Turčija, 9. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Training Course on Radiation Protection of Patients in New Diagnostic and Radiotherapy Modalities, under TC project RER9157: Strengthening Implementation of the Justified and Optimized Use of Ionizing Radiation in Medicine, Tbilisi, Gruzija, 9. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Equipment Reliability Programme in Nuclear Power Plants: Guidelines, Good Practices and Lessons Learned, Šanghaj, Kitajska, 10. - 13. september 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting of the Network on Environmental Management and Remediation’s Project on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, virtualni dogodek, 23. - 27. september 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 2. 8. 2024

Technical Meeting of the Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability Pilot Study “Sustainable Deployment Scenarios for Small Modular Reactors” (ASENES SMR), Erevan, Armenija, 23. - 27. september 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 2. 8. 2024

Regional Training Course on Advanced Dosimetry and Quality Control Tools in Diagnostic Radiology, under TC Project RER6042: Building Capacities of Medical Physicists in Diagnostic Radiology to Support the Establishment of Quality Management Systems, Liepaja, Latvija, 23. - 27. september 2024, info (pdf)

2024 Nuclear Law Institute, Dunaj, Avstrija, 29. september - 11. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Systems Engineering: Requirement Engineering and Management, Dunaj, Avstrija, 30. september - 3. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Expanding the Stakeholder Base of Nuclear Techniques for Forensic Science: Novel Applications and Niche Areas, Dunaj, Avstrija, 30. september - 3. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Safety and Operational Considerations in the Use of Advanced Technologies at Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Training Course on Practical Introduction to Nuclear Forensics, Budimpešta, Madžarska, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Train the Trainers Course on Contingency Response Planning for Facilities Using or Storing Nuclear Material, Seibersdorf, Avstrija, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Meeting of the Steering Committee on Regulatory Capacity Building, Dunaj, Avstrija, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Workshop on Implementation of the IAEA Requirements on Education, Training and Competence of Qualified Experts and Radiation Protection Officers, under TC project RER9162: Strengthening Education and Training Infrastructure in Radiation Protection, Baku, Azerbajdžan, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Workshop on Nuclear Instructional Skills for Faculty Lectures, under TC project RER0049: Enhancing the Capacities of Educational Institutions for the Sustainable use of Nuclear Technologies, Praga, Češka, 30. september - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 2. 8. 2024


Technical Meeting on the Justification, Planning and Development of Small and Medium Scale Accelerator Facilities, Dunaj, Avstrija, 1. - 4. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Workshop on Arrangements for Notification, Reporting and Assistance in Nuclear or Radiological Incidents and Emergencies, Dunaj, Avstrija, 7. - 10. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 19. 8. 2024

International Conference on Hybrid Imaging (IPET 2024), Dunaj, Avstrija, 7. - 11. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 25. 9. 2024

Technical Meeting on the Protection of Nuclear Installations Against External Hazards — 18th Plenary Meeting of the External Events Safety Section Extrabudgetary Programme, Dunaj, Avstrija, 7. - 11. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

International Seminar to Share Experience and Best Practices from Conducting International Physical Protection Advisory Service Missions, Bruselj, Belgija, 9. - 10. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Severe Accident Analysis and Management for Non-Water Cooled Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 14. - 17. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Joint IAEA–French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission Technical Meeting on Neutrons for Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Gif-sur-Yvette, Francija, 14. - 17. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Second Technical Meeting on Long-Pulse Operation of Fusion Devices, Dunaj, Avstrija, 14. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Training Workshop on Strategic Planning for Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 14. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Regional Workshop on Radiation Processing Dosimetry with Focus on Uncertainties Measurement and Digital Oscillometric Evaluation of Electronic Control Box (ECB) Dosimeters, under TC project RER1024: Enhancing the Use of Radiation Technologies for Improved Resource Efficiency, Budimpešta, Madžarska, 14. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 2. 8. 2024 

Joint IAEA and Argonne National Laboratory Training Activity on Computed Tomography Clinical Physics and Optimization, Durham, ZDA, 14. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

International Workshop on Nuclear Security Measures and Emergency Response Arrangements for Ports, Las Vegas, ZDA, 14. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 14. 8. 2024

Regional  Workshop on Hadrontherapy, under TC project RER6039: Developing Human Resources for Setting Up an Ion Beam Therapy Centre within the Joint South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Solun, Grčija, 17. - 18. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 31. 7. 2024 

Technical Meeting on the Implications of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements Report 95 on Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure, Dunaj, Avstrija, 21. - 23. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 20. 8. 2024

International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications, Dunaj, Avstrija, 21. - 25. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 9. 10. 2024

Technical Meeting on Educational Networks, Dunaj, Avstrija, 21. - 25. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on the New Training and Learning Methods to Ensure Competent and Qualified Personnel, Dunaj, Avstrija, 21. - 25. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Annual Training Workshop on Synchrotron Technologies and Techniques and their Applications, Trst, Italija, 21. - 25. oktober 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Strengthening Local Stakeholder Engagement, Dunaj, Avstrija, 21. - 25. oktober 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 8. 8. 2024 

Technical Meeting on the Application of Atom Trap Trace Analysis in Water Resource Management, Dunaj, Avstrija, 29. oktober - 1. november 2024, info (pdf)

23rd INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations to Support Net-Zero Transition, Dunaj, Avstrija, 30. oktober - 1. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 23. 8. 2024


Technical Meeting on Capitalizing on Artificial Intelligence Analysis to Accelerate the Technological Development of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs, Dunaj, Avstrija, 4. - 7. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 23. 8. 2024

Interregional Workshop on Safety, Security and Safeguards by Design in Small Modular Reactors, under TC project INT2023: Supporting Member States' Capacity Building on Small Modular Reactors and Micro-reactors and their Technology and Applications as a Contribution of Nuclear Power to the Mitigation of Climate Change, Oak Ridge, ZDA, 4. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf)

Workshop on Methods for Radiological and Environmental Impact Assessment (MEREIA), Dunaj, Avstrija, 4. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 16. 9. 2024  

Training Workshop on Non-Destructive Examination, In-Service Inspection and Online Monitoring for Research Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 4. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 30. 8. 2024

International Training Course on Control of Nuclear Material in Use, Storage and Movement, Budimpešta, Madžarska, 4. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 26. 8. 2024

Regional Workshop on the Development and Implementation of Sustainable Academic Programs for Medical Physics Education, under TC project RER6042: Building Capacities of Medical Physicists in Diagnostic Radiology to Support the Establishment of Quality Management Systems, Nikozija, Ciper, 4. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 12. 8. 2024

Third Training Workshop on the Safe Operation and Applications of Neutron Generators, Seibersdorf, Avstrija, 4. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf)

Advanced Regional Training Course on Analysis of Energy Demand, under TC project RER2018: Analyzing Low Carbon Pathways towards an Ambitious Decarbonized Energy Sector by 2050, Dušanbe, Tadžikistan, 4. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 12. 8. 2024

Technical Meeting on Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation Peer Reviews During the Early Stages of Operation, Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 2. 8. 2024

Technical meeting of the collaborative project “Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability Pilot Study on Potential of Innovative Nuclear Installations to Support Multi-recycling of Fuel in a Nuclear Energy System (STEP FORWARD)", Dunaj, Avstrija, 5. - 8. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 13. 9. 2024

International Conference on Research Reactors: Achievements, Experience and the Way to a Sustainable Future, Dunaj, Avstrija, 11. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 25. 10. 2024  

Workshop on Harmonisation and Standardisation of Field Work and Analytical Protocols for Blue Carbon Assessment, Using Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques, under TC Project INT7022: Strengthening Ocean Health for Sustainable Development: A Global Approach Using Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques, Dunaj, Avstrija, 11. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 23. 8. 2024

International Workshop on the Harmonisation of Protocols and Quality Concepts for the Monitoring of Mercury and Mercury Compounds in Marine Ecosystem, under TC Project INT7022: Strengthening Ocean Health for Sustainable Development: A Global Approach Using Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 11. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on On-line Monitoring of Plant Process and Instrumentation and Control Systems and Components, Dunaj, Avstrija, 12. - 15. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 23. 8. 2024  

Technical Meeting on Advanced Manufacturing and Qualification Programmes for New Materials for Small Modular Reactors and Non-Water Cooled Reactors: Safety Considerations, Dunaj, Avstrija, 18. - 21. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 9. 8. 2024

Technical Meeting of the International Low Level Waste Disposal Network (DISPONET) on Lessons Learned from the Disposal of Low Level Waste, Ottawa, Kanada, 18. - 22. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 30. 8. 2024

Technical Meeting on Electric Grid Reliability and Interface with Small Modular Reactors and Renewable Energy Sources, Dunaj, Avstrija, 19. - 22. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 9. 9. 2024

Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme, Dunaj, Avstrija, 26. - 28. november 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 5. 11. 2024


International Conference on Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security Through Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs): Challenges and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing World, Dunaj, Avstrija, 2. - 6. december 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 19. 11. 2024

Training Workshop on Accelerator Technology, Associated Instrumentation, Including Operation and Maintenance Aspects, Gif-sur-Yvette, Francija, 2. - 6. december 2024, info in prijava (pdf), rok prijave na URSJV: 23. 8. 2024

Joint IAEA–Argonne National Laboratory Training Activity on Implementation of Dosimetry Codes of Practice for Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beams, Houston, ZDA, 2. - 7. december 2024, info (pdf)

Technical Meeting on Developing a Sustainable Nuclear Supply Chain for Near Deployment Reactors, Dunaj, Avstrija, 10. - 12. december 2024, info in prijava (pdf), rok prijave na URSJV: 6. 9. 2024

Workshop on Funding for Long Term Nuclear Liabilities, Dunaj, Avstrija, 16. - 19. december 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 23. 8. 2024

Biennial Forum of the Network on Environmental Management and Remediation, Dunaj, Avstrija, 16. - 20. december 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 20. 9. 2024

LETO 2025


Safeguards Traineeship Programme, Dunaj, Avstrija, 1. februar - 31. oktober 2025, info (pdf), prijava (pdf), rok prijave na URSJV: 21. 8. 2024

School of Drafting Regulations for Waste Safety, under TC Project RER9158: Strengthening the Regulatory Infrastructure for Radiation Safety, Dunaj, Avstrija, 17. - 28. februar 2025, info (pdf)


Third International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2025), Dunaj, Avstrija, 7. - 11. april 2025, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave: 24. 3. 2025 


International Conference on Stakeholder Engagement for Nuclear Power Programmes, Dunaj, Avstrija,  26. - 30. maj 2024, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave s prošnjo za financiranje: 25. 11. 2024, rok prijave brez financiranja: 13. 5. 2025


International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO-4), Dunaj, Avstrija, 2. - 5. junij 2025, info (pdf), spletna prijava, rok prijave s prošnjo za financiranje: 23. 9. 2024, rok prijave brez financiranja: 19. 5. 2025