The #OstaniZdrav mobile application
The #OstaniZdrav mobile application is intended to record contact between persons who have installed the application on their mobile phones. The purpose of the mobile application is to facilitate the work of epidemiologists in tracking contacts, especially of those that we are unaware that have happened. Through the application, users are warned in a safe and anonymous way that they have been exposed to a risky contact. The application notifies the user that their risk of infection has increased and encourages them to behave even more responsibly.
Install it while you are still healthy
It is of the utmost importance to install the #OstaniZdrav mobile application before contracting SARS-CoV-2 as only in this way can a user with a confirmed infection, by transmitting temporary exposure keys, warn all other users who have saved rolling proximity identifiers that they have been exposed to a risky contact. Installation after infection has been confirmed is useless as the application does not then provide a warning in real time if an infected individual approaches another person.
Supported devices
The #OstaniZdrav mobile application operates on smartphones with the iOS operating system, which use at least the 13.5 version, and on smartphones with the Android 6 or newer operating system. The application can be installed on 11,821 Android devices (list of devices).
Huawei devices
With the #OstaniZdrav mobile application, Slovenia fully follows the open-source application, Corona-Warn-App (CWA), developed in Germany.
New Huawei devices, which do not have access to the services of Google Play and thus to GAEN, cannot use the CWA application and consequently the #OstaniZdrav mobile application.
If the Ministry of Public Administration had developed the #OstaniZdrav mobile application for Huawei Contact Shield API, it is assessed that this would result in significant additional costs and greater risk for compatibility with CWA. Once CWA includes support for Huawei, this will be adjusted to the #OstaniZdrav mobile application.
The application displays two risk levels; low and high.
Low risk
If the user was not in contact with a person with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, their risk is low and the application colour scheme turns green.
If the user was in contact with a person with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and this contact took place at a greater distance or was short-termed, their risk is still low, but the colour scheme turns orange.
High risk
High risk means that the user has been in contact with a person with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, whereby this contact was of a longer duration and took place at a shorter distance, and the application colour scheme consequently turns red.
The status of the application is updated every four hours.
Cross-border key exchange – interoperability
The #OstaniZdrav mobile application will exchange the rolling proximity identifiers with all applications using the Google/Apple Exposure Notification system. The back-end system of the #OstaniZdrav mobile application will connect with the European Central Server (managed by the European Commission) from where it will receive temporary exposure keys of users of applications in other EU countries and it will send temporary exposure keys of Slovenian users to the Central Server.
Currently Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain are included in the cross-border exchange.