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Cooperation with international organizations

Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia cooperates with many national and international organizations in the field of metrology, where we represents the interests of Slovenia. This includes cooperation at the global level in the Metre Convention, the International Organization for Legal Metrology, the Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals, regional cooperation in the European Association of National Metrology Institutes and the European Association for Legal Metrology.

Global international cooperation

The metrology system of Slovenia has been connected with the most advanced international metrology organizations and systems since its establishment. This manifests itself mainly in the field of knowledge exchange, ensuring traceability, mutual comparisons, cooperation in joint projects, as well as ensuring the highest possible quality of metrological work and the harmonization of legislation with EU regulations and beyond.

The Metre Convention

The Metre Convention was signed in 1875 by 18 of the world's most developed countries at the time. Among them, within the framework of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, there were also Slovenes. After Slovenia declared its independence, Slovenia again joined Metre Convention as a full member in 2016.

Since then, Slovenia has been actively involved in decision-making conventions at General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) and participates in the formation of political and professional decisions through consultative committees for units (CCU) and time and frequency (CC-TF). Through Metre Convention, Slovenia participates in key global inter-laboratory comparisons and ensures the traceability of measurements on selected measurements.

International Organization for Legal Metrology

Through the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia is actively creating international professional guidelines within the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), which form the basis for Slovenian national legislation in the field of metrology, thus being internationally harmonized and enabling free trade in goods and services (OIML Convention).

Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals

Slovenia has been a full member of the Hallmarking Convention (convention) since 2009. Members of the convention are allowed to hallmark precious metal articles with the Common Control Mark (CCM), which represents the highest level of consumer protection in the field of precious metal articles and enables the unimpeded sale of Slovenian precious metal articles on the international market. The laboratory of the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia has the status of an authorized Assay Office for apply the CCM in the Republic of Slovenia.

European cooperation

The metrological system of Slovenia provides most of the needs for ensuring traceability and mutual comparisons through European cooperation. The key is, above all, European cooperation in joint research programs, where, in addition to cooperation in research, we also exchange knowledge and participate in the creation of technical foundations for EU regulations.

The European Association of National Metrology Institutes

Within the framework of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), Slovenia participates in metrology development through involvement in Technical Committees, in research projects and programs, in regional interlaboratory comparisons, and in European metrology networks. Both Metrology Institute of Republic of Slovenia and its Designated Institutes are directly involved in activities under the auspice of EURAMET.

European Association for Legal Metrology

Slovenia became an associate member of European Association for Legal Metrology (WELMEC) in 1999, and in 2004, with its membership in the EU, Slovenia also became its full member. Through WELMEC, Slovenia is contributing to a coordinated and coherent approach to European legal metrology.