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The AFSVSPP operates more than 40 information systems for food safety, veterinary medicine, animal welfare, veterinary medicinal products, plant protection products, plant protection and feed safety. The purpose of the systems is to support the work processes carried out by the AFSVSPP in the areas of its competence.

In the area of identification and registration of animals, the Division keeps registers of bovine animals, pigs, sheep and goats, equidae, fish (the web portal Volos), apiaries (the register of apiaries), dogs (CrPsi) and other animal species. 

In the area of animal health and welfare, the Division runs the EPI application. This is intended for the monitoring, controlling and reporting of zoonoses and other animal diseases. The application contains a record of outbreaks of the diseases and a list of samplings (as per annual plan, decision, requirement) and vaccinations.

In the area of plant health, the Division keeps a phyto-register and a seed register to register operators engaged in the production of and trading in certain species of plants and seed materials. The registers are intended to support the management of outbreaks of harmful organisms.

In the area of plant protection products, the Division keeps a register of such products, records of registrations of active substances, records of PPP application equipment, a register of shops and other records.

In the area of food, feed and veterinary medicinal products, the Division keeps a register of facilities to monitor data on production and the conditions in the plants, records of trade in veterinary medicinal products, and records of sampling of foodstuffs and feed, which include laboratory tests and reports.

The Division seeks to provide support for work processes carried out by inspectors, the certification and surveillance of veterinary fees, and support for financial operations (offence proceedings).