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  • Official Visit of the President of Slovenia to Greece

    From 8 to 10 April 2024 the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, met in Greece with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ms Katerina Sakellaropoulou. The official visit was an opportunity to further strengthen the already excellent cooperation between the two countries and to exchange views on current foreign policy issues. Slovenian President was a keynote speaker at the 9th Delphi Economic Forum opening ceremony.

  • Increase of Schengen visa fees

    The European Commission adopted a decision to increase short stay Schengen visa (visa type C) fees worldwide by 12 per cent. The increase will apply worldwide as of 11 June 2024.

  • Establishment of the Slovenian-Cypriot Friendship Association and an exhibition of Slovenian artists in Cyprus

    On February 28, 2024, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens, together with the Honorary Consulate General and the Municipal University Library in Limassol, organized the opening of the exhibition of the private art collection of the Honorary Consul General of the Republic of the Slovenia in Limassol, dr. Evros Alexandrou with the title "The touch of a Slovenian painter."