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Increase of Schengen visa fees
The European Commission adopted a decision to increase short stay Schengen visa (visa type C) fees worldwide by 12 per cent. The increase will apply worldwide as of 11 June 2024.
On World Bee Day focus on young people
Today marks the fifth World Bee Day, declared by the UN General Assembly on Slovenia’s initiative on 20 December 2017. In this European Year of Youth, World Bee Day is dedicated to the future of beekeeping and the role of young people in raising awareness of its importance.
Beware of Red Passport and Slovenian citizenship scams
Third-country nationals should exercise the utmost caution in all dealings with companies that claim to offer assistance in obtaining Slovenian citizenship or Slovenian passports. Many websites and e-mail scams attempt to mislead individuals into believing the companies are offering to expedite citizenship or passport applications or are acting on behalf of the Slovenian authorities.
Minister Logar at FAC videoconference on multilateralism and Palestine
Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today attended a video conference of EU foreign affairs ministers. Two central themes dominated the discussions, multilateralism and the situation in Palestine. Regarding the former, they agreed that the Union has the political, economic and financial power to co-create an effective multilateral order, which provides the best framework for tackling modern global challenges.
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on new Israeli plans
Slovenia is deeply concerned about the Israeli plans to expand their settlements in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, and to develop the E1 area. If implemented, this decision would seriously damage the prospect of resolving the issue through negotiation and establishing the state of Palestine, and Jerusalem as the capital of both states.
Foreign Ministry’s statements on the Middle East peace process
Slovenia remains committed to the activities aimed at achieving comprehensive, just and long-lasting peace in the Middle East, including the establishment of the State of Palestine and bearing in mind Israel’s security concerns.
Minister Cerar meets Foreign Minister Al-Malki to discuss Gaza situation
Minister za zunanje zadeve dr. Miro Cerar se je danes sešel s palestinskim ministrom za zunanje zadeve in razseljene osebe dr. Riadom Malkijem, ki se v Ljubljani mudi na delovnem obisku. Reden dialog s palestinskimi sogovorniki je za Slovenijo dragocen za celovito razumevanje dogajanja v bližnjevzhodni regiji in razmer v Palestini.