Government decisions at a session of the government committee
The Government agrees with the proposed amendments to the ZFPPIPP-H
At today’s session of the Committee on the Economy, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia agreed with the proposed amendments to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (ZFPPIPP-H).
The Government consented to the text drafted by the Ministry of Justice, which added two amendments to the supplemented draft Act.
One proposed amendment eliminates a possible dilemma about whether the new proceedings of court-mandated restructuring to avoid threatened insolvency affect the financial collateral as per the act governing financial collateral and claim secured by such collateral.
With regard to the new transitional provision, the other proposed amendment determines that the management is obliged to submit a proposal to instigate insolvency proceedings within three months of its occurrence (and not within one, as otherwise determined by the general rule) if the reason for insolvency is flood or landslide of August 2023 and the insolvency came into existence before the entry into force of this Act. The same also applies for future cases (following the enforcement of the Act) when the reason for insolvency is a natural disaster.
Bloudek Awards for sportspeople who had achieved top international results before the enforcement of the Act
At the committee session, the Government agreed with the proposed draft amendments to the Bloudek Awards Act in the second reading.
Once the Government defines the text of the proposed act to be adopted by the National Assembly, the Ministry may propose amendments to the already submitted text only upon the Government’s consent.
In addition to the corrected terminology, an additional transitional provision was also proposed that will enable the presentation of the Bloudek Awards to the sportspeople who had achieved top international results before the enforcement of the proposed Act but have not yet received their awards.
Increase in dedicated assets of the Slovene Enterprise Fund
At the committee session, the Government allocated the funds from the proceeds, i.e. in the amount of more than EUR 138,000, to increase the dedicated assets of the Slovene Enterprise Fund.
The Fund will earmark the funds for the promotion of entrepreneurship and subsequent increase of competitiveness. The increase in dedicated assets will have a positive impact on the companies, particularly small and medium-sized companies. The funds will be intended for measures that will improve access to funding sources, as well as other measures to help companies in all phases of development.
The consultancy and management company transfers the proceeds to the budget of the Republic of Slovenia on a quarterly basis. The Ministry of Finance then allocates the funds to suitable budget items of competent ministries.
The Government includes the cohesion policy technical assistance project in the Development Programmes Plan
The Government added the technical assistance of the 2021–2027 cohesion policy in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026. The technical assistance funds will be earmarked for the performance of systemic and other tasks of the bodies involved in the implementation of the cohesion policy in the 2021–2027 period.
The technical assistance project is intended to support efficient project implementation within the EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021–2027. The funds will be used for training both at home and abroad in the fields where major risks have been identified in the past, including communication and event organisation.
Proposal of adding the new project, Public forestry service – purchase of service vehicles, in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026
At the committee session, the Government also adopted the decision to include the project, “Public forestry service – purchase of service vehicles”, in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026. The project will be implemented this year.
Its purpose is to improve the condition of the vehicle fleet, reduce the costs of ongoing vehicle maintenance, ensure better safety and provide conditions for the Slovenia Forest Service to carry out its tasks as prescribed by the legislation, i.e. the tasks of a public forestry service within the prescribed scope and with high-quality implementation in accordance with the standards. The renewed vehicle fleet – it is expected that 51 new service vehicles will be purchased this year – will enable more efficient implementation of the tasks of the public forestry service. Due to field work, all service vehicles will be either four-wheel drive SUVs or passenger vehicles with high ground clearance.
The project of energy renovation of Kranjska Gora Police Station is included in the DPP
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the decision to add the new project, Comprehensive energy renovation of Kranjska Gora Police Station, in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026.
The subject of the investment is a comprehensive energy renovation of the public building of Kranjska Gora Police Station. Based on the implemented investment measures, the following benefits are expected, i.e. improvement of public infrastructure, lower energy consumption and subsequently lower costs, maintenance of the property value, improved work environment for the employees and visitors, and reduction of harmful emissions being released into the environment. The investment value is estimated at EUR 752,421.07 in 2023.