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Reorganisation will contribute to more successful government work

Today’s taking of the oath by ministers in the National Assembly marks the beginning of a new era in the government term of Dr Robert Golob. The establishment of an efficient organisational structure of ministries will ensure better operability and more successful implementation of the Government’s tasks on the basis of the commitments from the Coalition Agreement.
Slovenian government led by Dr Robert Golob.

Slovenian government led by Dr Robert Golob. | Author Daniel Novakovič, STA

After the taking of the oath by the ministers, Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob highlighted that the Government is being organised to deal with the most important challenges with the establishment of three new ministries. The wait was unnecessary. We were forced to confirm the formation of the new government at the referendum, said the Prime Minister and added that the coalition was united. All coalition deputies signed the commitment to approach health reform yesterday. The coalition remains equally united in its commitment to introduce respectful dialogue and in its intent to implement reforms which will finally modernise the country after several decades. "Unity derives from joint values and objectives. As long as we share the same values and objectives, the unity will be maintained," concluded the Prime Minister.

Citizens’ quality of life and efficient addressing of the economic and social situation are the key priorities of the Government led by Dr Robert Golob. To reach the objectives set, we require a well-organised and successfully-led Government. Changed social conditions and needs of the economy, the environment, education and other social factors require different organisation and response by the ministries.

By amending the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act (ZVRS-J), certain areas of work are being transposed between the ministries and three new ministries are being established, which will support the main priorities of the new government team. The scope and content of the ministries will be smaller, making them more operational and responsive.

In accordance with the transitional provision of the ZVRS-J, the State Administration Act (ZDU) will be harmonised with the relevant Act no later than four months from the day the ministers appointed as per this Act take their oaths. The ZDU will determine a deadline (three months are expected) for the harmonisation of implementing regulations and executive acts on internal organisation and job classification. Within this deadline, the ministries will assume the tasks in accordance with the ZDU, suitable public employees, equipment, documentation, records, databases and premises.

Most of these are existing areas of work that will be organised in a different way, so that the head offices of the ministries will be at the already existing locations, and the final organisation will be known no later than at the end of the transition period determined by the ZVRS-J.

The new ministries will be working within the existing financial frameworks. Additional jobs are not planned (due to the reorganisation itself), as the employees will be re-allocated to the new ministries from the currently existing ministries. The transfer of the staff will take place in accordance with the delimitation of competences.