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Fewer irregularities in compliance with the measures

Today’s press conference about the current COVID-19 situation was attended by Martina Gašperlin, Acting Chief Inspector of the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, and Marjan Maček, Head of the Financial Control Sector at the Financial Administration of Republic of Slovenia.
Martina Gašperlin, Acting Chief Inspector of the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia

Martina Gašperlin, Acting Chief Inspector of the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia | Author Urad vlade za komuniciranje

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Some 2,230 PCR tests were done on Saturday and 783 coronavirus infections were confirmed, which is 35 per cent of all results. A total of 1,749 PCR tests were carried out yesterday and 677 new cases were confirmed. The proportion of positive tests amounted to 38.7 per cent. Some 638 COVID-19 patients are being treated in regular wards and an additional 236 in intensive care units. Another 16 persons lost their battle with the disease.

Marjan Maček: Improved compliance with the measures provides specific results as the number of infections has been declining daily

Marjan Maček, Head of the Financial Control Sector at the Financial Administration, emphasised that the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia continued to carry out stricter supervision of the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic as per the Communicable Diseases Act in December.

Between 15 November 2021 and Thursday, 9 December 2021, the financial inspectors carried out 3,773 on-site inspections and examined the compliance with the RVT condition of 18,345 people. In 530 supervision inspections (14 per cent), 561 irregularities were determined. The majority of irregularities (471) were established relating to the observance of the RVT condition, 73 with regard to the wearing of masks, twelve were linked to the conditions for carrying out hospitality activities and five dealt with sanitisers.

The inspectors issued ten payment orders with total fines amounting to EUR 32,000 for the irregularities determined relating to compliance with the RVT condition. Furthermore, 550 warnings were issued in cases when the supervision was conducted for the first time and the irregularity was eliminated immediately. Of a total of 550 irregularities, 392 were established with regard to taxable persons involved in hospitality, 56 involved taxable persons carrying out trading activities, 44 pertained to taxable persons performing other service activities, twelve at service stations, seven at tyre vulcanisers, and a further 50 related to taxable persons involved in other services.

In this period, one oral decision prohibiting the pursuit of the activity until the elimination of the irregularity was issued and four decisions prohibiting the pursuit of the activity and the closing down of hospitality providers due to the implementation of hospitality activity contrary to the governmental ordinance which prohibits the implementation of hospitality activity of serving food or beverages at fairs taking place in outdoor areas (independent mobile stalls, mobile stalls in a line or a group).

At the annual level, the Financial Administration carried out more than 7,700 such supervision inspections and imposed fines in the total amount of EUR 132,600.

Maček explained that the Financial Administration has noticed the positive effects of stricter supervision in that the proportion of inspections during which irregularities were established is decreasing. In the last week, i.e. between 6 December and 9 December 2021, the proportion of inspections during which irregularities were determined amounted to 12 per cent, while this percentage amounted on average to 20.5 per cent from the start of the year until 9 December 2021. Maček was certain that stricter supervision, which contributed to improved compliance with the measures prescribed, has yielded specific results because the number of infections had been declining daily. The Financial Administration will continue to implement supervision on weekends and during holidays.

Inspector Gašperlin: The objective of our supervision is to ensure the observance of the RVT condition

The Acting Chief Market Inspector, Martina Gašperlin, said that some 650 inspections were implemented between 6 December and 12 December 2021. Two oral decisions were issued due to violations in hospitality, which prohibited the performance of hospitality activity. One temporary prohibition was also issued regarding trading activity due to a failure to verify the RVT condition of service users. In cases in which violations were not eliminated despite a prior warning, two payment orders were issued for the failure to verify customer compliance with the RVT condition.

Gašperlin ensured that the objective of supervision by the Market Inspectorate was to ensure the observance of the RVT condition by the service users and the goods and service providers. She was pleased that the RVT condition was being increasingly established, including the verification of an identification document. Due to the holidays and the gift-giving season, more customers are expected to visit stores, which is why the inspectors will carry out on-site inspections to ensure a safe environment for everyone and, subsequently, a more peaceful, healthy and pleasant holiday period, concluded Gašperlin.