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Our common goal is clear: to contain the spread of the virus

The situation concerning COVID-19 was discussed at a press conference by Mateja Logar from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Matej Tušak from the Faculty of Sport and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin.

On Monday, 5,756 tests were performed and 1,499 new cases were confirmed, which means that the positive test rate was 26 percent. A total of 560 patients with COVID-19 are currently in hospital, of whom 86 are in intensive care units. Thirteen patients died. Based on the number of confirmed cases, the region that continues to stand out is Gorenjska, with its worst affected municipalities being Železniki (26), Škofja Loka (46) and Kranj (72). The numbers are also growing in Kamnik (48), Domžale (44), Slovenj Gradec (36), Litija (26) and Metlika (20). There were 166 new cases recorded in Ljubljana and 76 in Maribor.

According to the data presented by Ms Logar, there are currently 140 patients hospitalised at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Ljubljana, of whom 29 require intensive care, which is three more than previously announced. The length of hospitalisation in general wards ranges from ten to fourteen days, whereas in intensive care units it may last longer, even up to several weeks.

The average age of the patients in the intensive care units is 65, with the youngest patient being 42 years old. In the general ward, the youngest hospitalised patient is 33 years old; there is one pregnant woman among the patients.

Epidemiologists are no longer monitoring all those who have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive. Nevertheless, people who have had such contact should remain – at least in the case of a confirmed coronavirus infection within their household – in self-isolation, as it is very likely that other family members will also contract the disease.

Later in the press conference, Prof. Matej Tušak from the Faculty of Sport spoke about overcoming the coronavirus. He believes that Slovenian citizens will be able to defeat the virus. To achieve victory, however, it is first necessary to find and share a common goal, Tušak added. At present, the common goal that we all share – despite our many differences of opinion on how to reach it – is perfectly clear. That goal is to contain the spread of the virus. Tušak emphasised that it is clear that we have what it takes do so, because we are a motivated, persistent and patient people, because we have learned how to win, and because we have winners who set an example for us. We must show solidarity and be kind, respectful and courageous, he urged. We must remain positive, especially when dealing with people with a negative attitude towards the situation.