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As from 4 July, Belgium and the Netherlands included in the green list while Czechia, Croatia and France are excluded

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided to include Belgium and the Netherlands in the list of epidemiologically safe counties or administrative units of countries (green list) as from 4 July 2020. It also decided to remove Czechia, Croatia and France from the green list, which means that these countries are now on the yellow list.

Entry into Slovenia from the countries included in the green list (the list of epidemiologically safe countries)

Persons with permanent or temporary residence in a country included in the list of epidemiologically safe countries who are travelling from these countries may enter Slovenia without restrictions or quarantine.

Entry into Slovenia from the countries included in the yellow list (i.e. countries not on the list of safe countries (green list) nor on the list of countries with a worsening epidemiological situation (red list))

Slovenian citizens and foreigners with a permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia who are travelling from EU Member States or Schengen Area may enter Slovenia without a quarantine if they provide proof of ownership of real estate or a vessel where they have been staying or an original receipt for accommodation in these countries or an official crew list in case of chartering a vessel. If a person cannot provide such proof, they will be treated as though they are travelling from a country with the high risk of infection with COVID-19 and will be ordered to quarantine.

The exception for Slovenian citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia does not apply if they are travelling from countries with a worsening epidemiological situation (countries on the red list).

If a country from a yellow list is not an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country, Slovenian citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia are also ordered to quarantine, unless they fall under one of the exceptions set out in Article 10 of the Ordinance.

All other persons (foreigners) must undergo a 14-day quarantine upon entry into Slovenia, unless they fall under any of the sixteen exceptions set out in Article 10 of the Ordinance. Persons falling under exceptions referred to in points 1a, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, such as weekly commuting cross-border workers, persons engaged in trade, persons with a medical appointment, persons who cross the border for reasons of education and training, persons who cross the border to attend a funeral, persons maintaining contact with immediate family members, persons with urgent unavoidable personal errands, persons who lease land and persons with a confirmed booking for an overnight stay in Slovenia (if the booking was made when the person's country was on the list of epidemiologically safe countries (green list)) must also provide the result of a test proving that they are negative for COVID-19, which must not be older than 36 hours and was performed in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.

Exception added for booked overnight stays in Slovenia

Quarantine will not be imposed on persons who are travelling from countries that were on the list of safe countries (green list) at the time when accommodation was booked in Slovenia, even though the country was later removed from the list of safe countries ( green list), and who provide proof of having booked an accommodation. Persons claiming the right to this exception must provide the result of a test proving that they are negative for COVID-19, which must not be older than 36 hours and was performed in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.

Arriving in Slovenia from a country on the red list (the list of countries with a worsening epidemiological situation):

A 14-day quarantine will be imposed on persons entering Slovenia who have permanent or temporary residence in a country with a worsening epidemiological situation (i.e. countries on the red list) and on all other persons, irrespective of their nationality or country of residence, who are arriving in Slovenia from one of these countries, except for persons falling under one of the six exceptions specified in Article 10 (points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) of the Ordinance.

Exceptions apply solely to:

- persons engaged in trade or activities who upon crossing the border provide proof of conducting trade or activities in Slovenia or abroad (a certificate of registration for commencement of the provision of services and an A1 certificate in accordance with the act governing the cross-border provision of services) and exit Slovenia within 24 hours of entry or submit a test result proving that they are not infected with the novel SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus.  If such person is employed by a foreign company providing a service in Slovenia and resides in Slovenia, the person must also submit their address of residence in Slovenia and a test result proving that they are not infected with the novel SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus (point 2 of Article 10);

- persons posted to carry out tasks in the international transport or returning from such tasks who prove this at the time of crossing the border by means of a Certificate for International Transport Workers from Annex 3 of the Communication from the Commission on the implementation of the Green Lanes under the Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability of goods and essential services, or another appropriate document from which it can be established that they were posted by their employer (point 3 of Article 10);

- persons carrying out the transport of goods into Slovenia or from Slovenia to another country and the transport of goods in transit who exit Slovenia within 12 hours of entry (point 4 of Article 10);

- persons transiting Slovenia while travelling to another country within 12 hours of entry (point 5 of Article 10);

- persons with diplomatic passports (point 6 of Article 10); and

- persons who provide services for which they have been issued a certificate by the competent ministry and regarding whom the imposition of a quarantine could result in major social or economic damage due to the non-provision of these services (point 7 of Article 10).

Persons exempt under points 2 and 7 must at the time of crossing the border also provide the result of a test proving that they are negative for COVID-19, which must not be older than 36 hours and was performed in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country.   

Persons meeting the conditions for a quarantine order may only enter Slovenia at certain border crossings or control points.

At the border with Croatia, at the following border crossings:

  • Gruškovje,
  • Obrežje,
  • Metlika and
  • Jelšane.

At the border with Hungary at the Pince control point.

The border crossing point for international air traffic is the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport (Brnik).

The list of countries and administrative units from which entry without quarantine is permitted to their citizens and persons with permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia (green list):

  1. Hungary
  2. Austria
  3. Cyprus
  4. Estonia
  5. Finland
  6. Germany
  7. Greece
  8. Iceland
  9. Latvia
  10. Lithuania
  11. Liechtenstein
  12. Norway
  13. Slovakia
  14. Switzerland
  15. Italy
  16. Denmark
  17. Ireland
  18. Malta
  19. Spain
  20. Belgium (added on 4 July 2020)
  21. The Netherlands (added on 4 July 2020)

Article 10 of the Ordinance does not apply to countries and administrative units listed below, with the exception of points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Article 10 of the Ordinance which apply to persons arriving in Slovenia from these countries and to persons entering Slovenia who have permanent or temporary residence in any of these countries (red list):

  1. Quatar
  2. Bahrain
  3. Chile
  4. Kuwait
  5. Peru
  6. Armenia
  7. Djibouti
  8. Oman
  9. Brazil
  10. Panama
  11. Belarus
  12. Andorra
  13. Singapore
  14. Sweden
  15. Maldives
  16. Sao Tomé and Príncipe
  17. United Arab Emirates
  18. United States of America
  19. Saudi Arabia
  20. Russia
  21. Moldova
  22. Gibraltar
  23. Bolivia
  24. Puerto Rico
  25. Gabon
  26. Cayman Islands
  27. Dominican Republic
  28. Republic of South Africa
  29. Iran
  30. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  31. North Macedonia
  32. Serbia
  33. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  34. Kosovo
  35. Portugal
  36. Albania

If a country is not on the list of safe countries (green list) or on the list of countries with a worsening epidemiological situation (red list), it means that it is on the yellow list.