Practising a regulated profession in the Republic of Slovenia
All regulated professions and professional activities in the Republic of Slovenia are listed in the Register of regulated professions and professional activities in the Republic of Slovenia.
All persons wishing to practise a regulated profession in the Republic of Slovenia are advised to first contact the body competent for the particular profession, which may be a ministry, a chamber or other organisation that determines how the profession can be practised in Slovenia. These bodies are listed in the Register of regulated professions and professional activities in the Republic of Slovenia. The competent body will provide detailed information and instructions on the necessary steps and procedures.
The highest demand is for health care professionals (such as medical doctors and nurses). The Ministry of Health as the competent body can be contacted for additional information regarding these professions.
In the assessment of education, the ENIC-NARIC centre at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport can issue an opinion on completed education that is part of the formal education system of an individual country.
You can find out whether an opinion issued by the ENIC-NARIC is required for the procedure of practising a regulated profession from the body regulating the specific profession. The holder of an education certificate may apply for an opinion on their education using Form V.
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Assessment of education at the ENIC-NARIC centre
The ENIC-NARIC centre issues an official opinion regarding specific elements of education in the assessment of the education procedure. This helps in recognizing and classification of foreign and national education certificates.