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  • Slovenia, Guest of Honour at the Bologna Children's Book Fair

    On Monday we officially opened the Bologna Children's Book Fair, where Slovenia is this year's Guest of Honour. As Guest of Honour, Slovenia has a unique opportunity to showcase its creative talents, publishers, authors and illustrators at one of the world's leading platforms for children's and youth literature.

  • Slovenia as Guest of Honour at the Bologna Book Fair

    Slovenia will appear as Guest of Honour at the prestigious Bologna International Book Fair next month, cementing its place on the world stage as a nation rich in imaginative children's and youth literature and with an exceptional illustration heritage.

  • Midwifery inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

    At its meeting on the 6th of December in Botswana, the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention adopted a decision to enter “Midwifery: knowledge, skills and practices” on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The nomination was proposed by Colombia, Cyprus, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Slovenia and Togo.