Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
On 12 September 2024, the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia hosted a development conference in Ljubljana titled Decentralisation and efficient public services: Slovenia's development vision for the next decade. The conference discussed Slovenia's diverse development challenges and policies. The Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development, Dr Aleksander Jevšek, opened the conference.
‘’Cohesion policy funding helps us create jobs and support projects that improve our transport, energy, healthcare and education infrastructure, promote cooperation between partners, improve security at our borders, contribute to fight against climate change and foster the digital transition of our society,’’ underscored Minister Jevšek at the event.
The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised an informal meeting of the General Affairs Council that took place in Budapest on 6 September 2024. The meeting brought together EU ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy to discuss the role of Cohesion Policy in addressing demographic challenges in the EU.
Government gives green light to amended Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted amendments to the Programme of Development Incentives for Border Problem Areas in the 2022-2025 Period.
European Commission proposes granting 428.4 million euros as flood aid for Slovenia
Today, the European Commission proposed a financial contribution from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) of more than one billion for the countries affected by severe flooding in 2023. Slovenian will receive a total of 428.4 million euros for recovery measures following the August 2023 floods in Slovenia.
Call for co-funding large investments to boost productivity and competitiveness launched again
The Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia has again launched the Call for proposals for the promotion of large investments to boost productivity and competitiveness in the Republic of Slovenia, which is implemented in the framework of Slovenia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan. This call for proposals, which was recently cancelled due to the European Commission's requirements to update and amend the conditions for applicants, was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 69/2024 and on the SPIRIT website.