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SESAR – Single European Sky ATM Research

SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research) projects encompass joint projects that will contribute to the successful implementation of the Air Traffic Management Master Plan and are aimed at upgrading the system, increasing security and connecting the SESAR project with its implementation. SESAR coordinates the dedicated SESAR Joint Undertaking.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2014

Free Route Airspace from Black Forest to Black Sea

The purpose of the project was to carry out a technical feasibility study, which developed and validated the FRA (Free Route Airspace) concept within the current countries included in the FAB CE (Functional Airspace Block Central Europe). In the second phase, the concept will be extended beyond the borders of FAB CE. The study included a detailed breakdown of the required  ATM (Air Traffic Management) system requirements linking individual air traffic management systems, as well as simulations of activities. The project is completed.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2015

NewPENS - Stakeholders contribution for the procurement and deployment of NewPENS

NewPENS, a new pan-European network service, will be the backbone of reliable and secure cross-border data and call communication between air traffic controls. The ultra-flexible network is led by EUROCONTROL, which promises to increase the reliability and security of the flow of aeronautical data. NewPENS will replace the existing PENS network, which has been in use since 2011. Slovenia Control participates in this activity as a partner, the coordinator is EUROCONTROL.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2016

Air-Ground datalink

The implementation of the "Datalink" project provides radio data connections with aircraft (enabled the transmission of short messages on the route air traffic control - aircraft - air traffic control) above the level (FL) 285. This was achieved through new hardware and software/interface ''Human Machine Interface'' (HMI), training of users (air traffic controllers) and operators (technical staff), and ensuring the transmission of data messages. The project is completed.

FAB CE wide Study of DAM and STAM

The aim of the project is to improve the process of Dynamic Airspace Management (DAM) in the FAB CE area. In doing so, the FAB CE follows the requirements of the Single European Sky (SES) deployment plan using Short Term Air Traffic Management Measures (STAMs) and greater use of flexible use of airspace (FUA). The result of the project is a study to determine the operational concept of DAM \ STAM in the FAB CE area and to determine a timetable for future implementation. The project is completed.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2017

SWIM Common PKI and policies & procedures for establishing a Trust framework

The objectives of the project are to establish standards and a system for issuing digital certificates at the appropriate level suitable for use in aviation, to select and purchase appropriate technological equipment for encryption and to establish appropriate mutual recognition of certificates of other certification issuers or certificates issued. Slovenia Control participates in this activity as a partner, the coordinator is EUROCONTROL.