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MESP Pilot Project

Logotip projekta Pilot MOP
The pilot project for the implementation of spatial planning and construction legislation (the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning – MESP Pilot) tests the feasibility, integration and interoperability of tasks prescribed by the spatial planning and construction legislation, and represents the basis for the preparation of projects in the coming 2021–2027 financial perspective.

Purpose and objectives of the project

The primary purpose of the project is to integrate spatial planning, site servicing and real estate management on the local, regional and national levels and use examples of good practice to encourage municipalities and development regions to provide higher-quality spatial data based on harmonised criteria and standards, and establish local- and regional-level spatial data infrastructure connected to the existing national-level spatial data infrastructure. Only standardised and interoperable spatial data can provide an appropriate basis for the needs of spatial, land and tax policies in Slovenia to monitor the achievement of sustainable development goals and therefore provide quality expert support in the spatial development decision-making process.

The aims of the project are the following:

  • to strengthen cooperation between the state, regions and municipalities with regard to spatial data use and interoperability;
  • to establish regional data centres and test advanced modern technologies in the provision of topographic data;
  • to train spatial planning, land policy and real estate management experts on the national, regional and local levels;
  • to set up infrastructure and support for planning processes on the national, regional and local levels;
  • to test methods and instructions for individual spatial planning documents, including the technical rules for integration in the spatial information system;
  • to develop proposals or sample cases for individual spatial planning documents;
  • to create spatial data records;
  • to verify the applicability of spatial data in the procedure of issuing building permits and the supervision of other development activities.

Test verifications for individual tasks will be conducted in the territories of selected municipalities and development regions in four content-related areas and one area relating to organisational support:

  • Area 1: Provision of data to organise spatial planning on the regional level.
  • Area 2: Provision of spatial management data on the local level.
  • Area 3: Creation of building land records on the local level and land policy measures.
  • Area 4: Spatial information infrastructure on the local, regional and national levels.
  • Area 5: Project office: organisational and expert support in project implementation.

Area 1: Provision of data to organise spatial planning on the regional level

The new Slovenian spatial planning legislation (Spatial Planning Act – ZUreP-2) is introducing regional spatial planning. As part of the preparation of regional spatial plans, the state (ministries) and municipalities must determine and harmonise development project concepts and adhere to the agreed upon solutions in the further planning and implementation of the development project. The aim of a project-based approach to introduce the regional spatial plan is to optimise the process of preparation for all participants that should be actively involved in its preparation, and to rationalise its content.

Expected results:

  • methodology for the preparation and drafting of regional spatial plans;
  • a sample regional spatial plan for selected test regions.

Area 2: Provision of spatial management data on the local level

The introduction of municipal spatial plans was the first step to harmonising municipal spatial planning documents in Slovenia. In order to implement all spatial planning and land policy instruments, the municipal spatial plan must be prepared in such a way that it allows maximum integration with and adaptation to changes in the real estate cadastre. The aim of the MOP Pilot Project is to take a step forward in drafting spatial planning documents, which will enable information to be provided about the validity of spatial planning documents and the applicable spatial implementation conditions for any plot of land. A way should also be found for the data generated in newly-created records of other ministries to be integrated in the system of spatial planning document preparation. This would prevent any inconsistencies between spatial management authorities in the future.

Expected results:

  • a manual on how to perform a technical update of the graphical representation of planned land use;
  • instructions for using data on hydrography and water areas, transport infrastructure and the proposal of areas of permanently protected farmland as part of the preparation of the municipal spatial plan tested on the selected municipality;
  • instructions and guidelines for the preparation of the graphical implementing part of the municipal spatial plan with sample cases;
  • recommendations for managing data in site verification records.

Area 3: Creation of building land records on the local level and land policy measures

Before the new spatial planning legislation (ZUreP-2) entered into force, land policy measures were insufficiently regulated. In order for municipalities to be able to carry out their primary spatial management tasks, such as spatial planning, municipal utility infrastructure planning, establishing the actual state of physical space, managing land in the public interest and implementing land policy measures, they must be familiar with the stock of occupied building plots and the stock of vacant building plots and their characteristics. They must also be familiar with the necessary investments in the development of building plots to the extent that they enable construction for the planned purpose. The aim of the MOP Pilot Project is to prepare the conditions and bases for creating new spatial data records – building land records on the local level and recommendations for implementing those land policy measures that have been subject to the most significant amendments in the spatial planning legislation.

Expected results:

  • methodology to create and maintain building land records on the local level and establish such records for the selected test municipality;
  • a test data recording from building land records on the local level to the building land records on the national level;
  • the development of a methodology to establish and maintain records of derelict areas;
  • recommendations and instructions for the implementation of land policy measures (issuing a consent to changing a boundary, implementing administrative land consolidation, introducing vacant building land tax, preparing building land supply plans, etc.).

Area 4: Spatial information infrastructure on the local, regional and national levels

In addition to national spatial data infrastructure, efficient process operation also requires spatial data infrastructure on the local and regional levels and its integration with the existing spatial data infrastructure on the national level. That is the purpose of the second project – the programme of eProstor projects. Among other things, tasks in this area aim to familiarise users with the applicability of advanced technologies (augmented reality, artificial intelligence, etc.) that can contribute to a better visualisation and interpretation of spatial data.

Expected results:

  • a plan to establish regional centres for spatial information and spatial management process support;
  • recommendations and guidelines for the preparation of data and databases and the deployment of advanced technologies in the visualisation and interpretation of spatial data;
  • a software prototype for the visualisation and interpretation of spatial data on mobile devices;
  • methodology for monitoring developments;
  • an analysis and action plan for the provision of any missing data in the general guidelines for spatial management authorities.

Area 5: Project office: organisational and expert support in project implementation

The project office provides organisational and technical support in the management of the project as a whole, and manages individual project tasks. A special emphasis in this area is placed on providing training to municipalities and development regions. By familiarising themselves with and applying the project results, they will find it easier to implement the requirements of the spatial planning and construction legislation and will be better equipped for any drawing of EU funds in the 2021–2027 period.