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Material Assistance for the most deprived

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities provides non-financial assistance to the most deprived people in the form of food packages and co-financing various accompanying measures that promote their social inclusion.

Operational Program for Food and/or Basic Material Assistance which is supported from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) has been implemented in Slovenia since 2014 and is one of the most important measures for reducing the risk of poverty in the country.

The Program is implemented in cooperation with selected partner organisations, the Slovenian Red Cross and Slovenian Caritas, which distributes 4,000 tons of food products per year to the most deprived and carries out accompanying measures such as coping with everyday problems, individual psychosocial counseling and assistance, strengthening social skills, etc.). More than 150,000 people receive aid from the Program supported from FEAD in Slovenia every year.

Programme for Addressing Material Deprivation in Slovenia for the period 2021-2027

Within the Programme for Addressing of Material Deprivation in Slovenia for the Period 2021–2027, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities will provide continuous assistance to the most vulnerable groups and thus contribute to the eradication of poverty in the country.

In total, EUR 32.6 million has been earmarked for the implementation of the programme, of which the EU will contribute EUR 29.4 million EUR and Slovenia EUR 3.2 million of ESF+ funds.

The assistance will be provided through selected humanitarian and non-governmental organisations and will include the distribution of food parcels and the implementation of accompanying measures that promote social inclusion of people at risk.

The aim is to provide assistance to at least 164,000 most deprived persons per year.