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Festival Europa Cantat 2021

Between 17 and 22 July 2021, Ljubljana hosted the international choir festival Europa Cantat 2021, which took take place in a hybrid form due to the COVID-19 pandemic – with online and live events. The educational core of the festival took place entirely on the Europa Cantat online feed, on top of that, we were be able to listen to live concerts by international stars and top domestic choirs at Kongresni trg, Novi trg, the Slovenian Philharmonic and Cankarjev dom.

The international festival, hosted every three years by a different European country and attracting domestic and foreign audiences, is organized by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Cultural Activities (JSKD) in cooperation with the European Choral Association.

A video of the grand opening of the Europa Cantat 2021 festival can be viewed on the festival's official website.

The festival was made possible by the Ministry of Culture and the City of Ljubljana.

The festival’s patron of honour is President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor. The Europa Cantat Festival 2021 has been granted the Patronage of the European Parliament