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The Glossary of basic terms for the greening higher education is intended for all those working on issues of environmental protection, green transition and sustainable development in relation to the education sector, in particular higher education. It gathers and clarifies terms commonly used in these fields so that it can serve as a tool for better understanding and communication between stakeholders.

The greening of higher education is an important part of the wider process of the green transition, which is essential to tackle the climate and environmental crisis we face. As the greening of higher education brings together people from different disciplines and professions, it is important that we have a common language so we can understand each other. However, some of the terms used to refer to greening can be understood and used differently in different contexts, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Therefore, the representatives of higher education institutions that are carrying out pilot projects within the framework of the Reform of Higher Education for a Green and Resilient Transition to Society 5.0, led by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, have expressed the need for a document that would offer uniform and clear explanations of the terms used in the field of greening of higher education.

The glossary is not intended only for experts in specific fields, but is accessible and understandable for everyone. In explaining the terms, we have taken into account various sources, mainly European and national legislation, the glossaries of international and some Slovenian governmental organisations, and have given priority to the definitions used by public organisations and associations. The sources are listed below. In the explanations of the terms, which are not taken from a single source, but are mostly a combination from several sources, we were striving for precision and coherence.

The eGlossary is designed to be a living tool, which will be updated as this is a rapidly evolving area. The definitions are currently available only in Slovenian, but an English translation will be available shortly. If you would like to actively contribute to it (e.g. by suggesting an update to the description of a term, suggesting a new term for inclusion in the glossary), please contact us.