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The state can and indeed must provide foundations for the development of civil aviation in accordance with its powers and administrative functions. We support the development of civil aviation in Slovenia by monitoring and drafting legislation and adopting measures aimed at improving the business environment.

Our first and most important goal is safety in aviation. We promote compliance with applicable legislation and with the international standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in order to protect the public interest in aviation, i.e. ensuring safety and the provision of smooth scheduled air transport. We support international air transport by concluding international agreements thereon.

International cooperation

The basic characteristic of the aviation sector is its integration into the international environment. Slovenia is a member of all the major international organisations in this area – the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL). This makes us a full member of the international aviation community. We also participate in other international communities, through which we try to promote our interests.

We are responsible for concluding and implementing all international treaties concerning international civil aviation. Thus we are responsible for the implementation of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (the Chicago Convention) and its Annexes, the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (the Montreal Convention), conventions concerning criminal offences committed on aircrafts (e.g. the Tokyo Convention and the Hague Convention) and other treaties.

We are also responsible for concluding and implementing international agreements on international scheduled air transport with a view to increasing the connectivity of the country and providing a supportive business environment for Slovenian air carriers and international airports.


We promote activities that strengthen the competitive position of Slovenia’s three international airports. These are:

  • Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport,
  • Maribor Edvard Rusjan Airport, and
  • Portorož Airport.

We also provide incentives to individual airports and manage relations regarding land use. We support the production of detailed spatial development acts that will enable airport operators to invest in the construction and upgrading of airport infrastructure. We also manage the state-owned infrastructure. This enables airport managers and operators to further develop activities, which will strengthen the competitive position of Slovenian airports on the European market.