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Protection against natural and other disasters

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The protection system against natural and other disasters is designed to ensure the protection of people, animals, property, cultural heritage and the environment against natural and other disasters. Our goal is to reduce the number of disasters and to prevent or reduce the number of casualties and other consequences of such disasters. The policy of protection against natural and other disasters is aimed at capacity-building for the comprehensive management of natural and other disasters, which includes prevention, preparedness, disaster response, and the provision of basic living conditions and conditions for reconstruction.

The protection system against natural and other disasters is based on the responsible action of state authorities and municipalities to prevent and eliminate hazards and respond to emergencies in a timely manner. It is also based on the compliance of companies, institutions and other organisations with their obligations to implement emergency measures to protect and rescue people and property within the context of their activities and on the responsibility of residents for their own safety and the safety of their property. 

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

The protection system against natural and other disasters comprises the programming, planning, organisation, implementation, supervision and financing of the measures and activities for the protection against natural and other disasters. The consequences of war, the use of weapons or means of mass destruction, and terrorist attacks and other forms of mass violence are also deemed to be those of a disaster.

The operational preparedness of the protection system against natural and other disasters is ensured by the uninterrupted operation of emergency notification centres and public rescue services and by the preparedness of other rescue services, commissions and units and the Civil Protection Headquarters. The operational and communication tasks of monitoring, notifying and alerting are carried out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption by the National Emergency Notification Centre of the Republic of Slovenia (CORS) and 13 Regional Emergency Notification Centres (ReCO), which respond to 112 emergency number calls. Through the operation of ReCOs, emergency medical services, rapid activation of rescuers, in particular firefighters, and the appropriate response of various rescue services are provided to citizens in the event of natural and other disasters.

From protection to remediation

The main tasks of the protection system against natural and other disasters are disaster prevention, preparedness, protection against risks, rescue and disaster relief, and the remediation of disaster consequences. A number of measures have been adopted for the protection against natural and other disasters, such as spatial and settlement arrangements for protection and rescue, evacuation, accommodation and care of homeless people and other people at risk, radiological, chemical and biological protection, the construction of shelters and other protective facilities, the protection of cultural heritage, and protection against unexploded ordnance. Rescue and relief in the event of a disaster cover, in particular, extinguishing fires, rescue from explosions, rescue from collapsed structures, landslides and avalanches, rescue on water and under water, mountain rescue, rescue from caves and mines, rescue in the event of traffic accidents, first medical aid and veterinary first aid, and humanitarian aid. 

Prevention and awareness

Special attention is also paid to preventive activities within the protection system against natural and other disasters, such as earthquake-safe construction, measures to reduce the effects of hail and drought, flood protection measures, protection measures against landslides and avalanches, and preventive fire-fighting measures in the areas most subject to fire risk.

Another of our fundamental goals is to increase the resilience of individuals and society against natural and other disasters. In this context, awareness-raising of the population in order to improve the overall knowledge of the risks of natural and other disasters and of the common and mutual measures taken before, during and after disasters plays an important role.