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  • Minister Logar with Luxembourg Foreign Minister Asselborn on building a resilient Union

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar is visiting the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg today, where he was welcomed by his host, Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Asylum, and Fernand Etgen, President of the Chamber of Deputies. The Minister also visited the European Investment Bank, where he met with its president, Werner Hoyer.

  • International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance holds plenary meeting

    Luxembourg hosted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Plenary Meeting between 2 and 5 December. Slovenia reaffirmed its commitment to remembrance of the Holocaust and the need to disseminate knowledge of the tragic historical events to prevent such horrors from happening ever again.

  • Minister Cerar hosts Luxembourg Foreign Minister Asselborn

    Minister Dr Miro Cerar hosted Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Minister of Immigration and Asylum of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn on an official visit to Slovenia today. The counterparts confirmed excellent bilateral relations between the two countries, based on common European values, the rule of law and similar views on current European and global issues.

  • Secretary-General of Benelux Union Thomas Antoine in Slovenia

    State Secretary Dobran Božič today hosted Thomas Antoine, Secretary-General of the Benelux Union. The Secretary-General’s visit falls into the framework of enhanced cooperation between Slovenia and Benelux, which was kicked off in 2017 at prime minister level and was consolidated by the summit of the four prime ministers in Ljubljana in February 2018. Secretary-General Antoine was also received for a courtesy call by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Miroslav Cerar.