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Annual meeting of the European Union Intellectual Property Network

The annual meeting of the European Union Intellectual Property Network (EUIPN) took place in Ireland, and was also attended by the Director of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office Karin Žvokelj. The first draft of the European Union Intellectual Property Office's Strategic Plan 2030 and the framework for cooperation were discussed.
João Negrão, Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, and Karin Žvokelj, Director of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

João Negrão, Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, and Karin Žvokelj, Director of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office | Author European Union Intellectual Property Office

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The annual meeting was organised by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in cooperation with the Irish Intellectual Property Office (IPO).

In addition to the plenary session, participants in two parallel groups actively discussed key challenges and opportunities for the EUIPO in different areas in special break-out sessions.

Director Karin Žvokelj co-moderated the topic of innovation promotion, which is currently also being discussed in Slovenia. At the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, we are working to establish a system for valuing intellectual property rights as an intangible asset, which would enable companies to obtain financing from banks or investors.

In her summary of the debate, the Director underlined that intangible assets represent a large part of the value of a company. It is estimated that the total value of existing intangible assets represents more than 80% of the total value of listed companies.

Participants agreed that the topic was complex and difficult, but that work in this area should continue and a system at European Union level should be developed. For European companies to grow, they need to be able to convert their knowledge into value and commercialise their innovations.

The final draft of the EUIPO Strategic Plan 2030 and the Framework for Cooperation will be decided by the EUIPO Management Board and Budget Committee at their November meeting.