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20 March marks International Francophonie Day

On the 12th International Francophonie Day, Ljubljana will host the 12th Francophone Film Festival showcasing the films produced in Slovenia, Belgium, France, Canada and Switzerland. In addition to promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity, member states of the International Organisation of La Francophonie share a commitment to peace, human rights, democracy and sustainable development.
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Flyer for the 12th Francophone Film Festival | Author Kinodvor/Slovenska kinoteka

Slovenia, which has had observer status in the OIF since 1999, takes part in the annual marking of International Francophonie Day. This year it will host the 12th Francophone Film Festival with the screening of films produced by Slovenia, Belgium, France, Canada and Switzerland. Slovenia will be represented by the film Wake Me directed by Marko Šantić. The festival will take place at the Slovenian Cinematheque in Ljubljana from 21 to 26 March 2024.

The International Organisation of La Francophonie drives Francophone multilateral cooperation with 88 member states (54 full members, 7 associate members and 27 observer members). According to the latest estimates, there are over 321 million French speakers across five continents.