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State Secretary Marko Štucin visits Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry

As part of the scheduled visits to regional chambers of commerce and industry, State Secretary Marko Štucin joined the plenary part of the visit of the economic diplomacy delegation of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to the Zasavje region. During the visit organised by the Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he met with representatives of the region’s companies and the heads of the Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Državni sekretar Marko Štucin in direktorica Regionalne gospodarske zbornice Zasavje Polc s predstavnicami in predstavniki gospodarske diplomacije in Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije stojijo drug poleg drugega

State Secretary Štucin and Director of the Zasavje Chamber of Commerce and Industry Polc with representatives of economic diplomacy and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia | Author Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve

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In his speech, he outlined the work of economic diplomacy and the interconnectedness of stakeholders in this field, as only the synergy of all of them can bring about a successful breakthrough abroad. He informed the participants about the Ministry's efforts to strengthen Slovenia's bilateral cooperation with foreign countries and outlined future plans. In this context, he highlighted meetings of the Joint Commissions, which have a strong economic component, as well as bilateral visits and high-level consultations.

Dr Slobodan Šešum, Director-General of the Directorate for Economic and Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, outlined concrete forms of support provided by economic diplomacy, including best practice examples in the internationalisation of Slovenian companies abroad, while the activities of the International Relations Department at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia were presented by the Department's Director, Matej Rogelj.

The visit included detailed presentations by Steklarna Hrastnik, Rudis, Dewesoft and ETI. The companies attending the plenary part shared their views and opinions on operating in foreign markets and highlighted the specific challenges they face.