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Meeting of Chairpersons and Lead Partners of Local Action Groups

Minister Dr Aleksander Jevšek attended a meeting of chairpersons and lead partners of Local Action Groups (LAGs), which took place in Gorica pri Slivnica. In his address, he expressed his satisfaction that all Slovenian municipalities are involved in Local Action Groups, a rare trend in Europe. The Minister also underlined that bottom-up mechanisms are the most effective approach to addressing people’s concrete problems and are gaining importance.

In the 2021-2027 programming period, the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) instrument is implemented in the entire Slovenian territory in all 37 Local Action Groups (LAGs). CLLD is becoming an essential mechanism for the EU, as it addresses concrete problems that people and local communities face. It is also recognised as a critical mechanism within the Long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas by 2040.

At the end of 2023, the Decree on the implementation of CLLD by 2027 was published, providing the basis for implementing projects in the new programming period and supporting LAG Lead Partners in LAG management. For the period 2021-2027, a total of 84.5 million Euros is earmarked for Community-Led Local Development (CLLD), of which just over 44 million Euros is earmarked for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and just over 40 million Euros for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

“The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, which acts as both the Managing Authority and the Intermediate Body for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has already started issuing grant decisions; about half of them were issued today, and the remaining decisions will be issued in the next few days”, said Minister Jevšek.

In the 2014-2020 programming period, the Ministry approved more than 611 ERDF-supported projects, plus 5 LAG cooperation projects. By the end of 2023, 35 million Euros had been disbursed, representing just over 96% of the planned funding.

“This is a good result, but of course, we can do even better. Our common goal should be that LAGs use all the available funding to benefit the Slovenian people," concluded the Minister.