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Adoption of the Resolution on Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the Republic of Slovenia for the 2024–2033 Period

The Resolution on Nuclear Safety was adopted in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The Resolution is a programming document representing the fundamental guidelines and long-term commitment of the Republic of Slovenia to nuclear and radiation safety. Its content observes the fundamental standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The Resolution denotes the fundamental political guidelines and commitment of our country to nuclear and radiation safety as a priority in addition to all other application aspects of nuclear technologies and ionising radiation. The adopted Resolution upgrades the applicable Resolution adopted for the 2013–2023 period, which is now coming to an end.

The Resolution highlights ten fundamental security principles and also describes nuclear and radiation activities in Slovenia. Slovenia has one operating nuclear power plant, one operating research reactor and a relatively wide use of sources of ionising radiation in industry, research activities, education, medicine and veterinary medicine, including transport and transit of these sources.

The Strategy includes a review of international cooperation in the European Union and outside of it. The applicable legislation relating to nuclear safety and radiation protection is briefly summarised and the institutional framework is provided. A special chapter is dedicated to maintaining the professional competence of all stakeholders in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, as well as research, education and training in this field. Finally, the Resolution also defines specific objectives and measures for their attainment, the method of monitoring the implementation of the Resolution and reporting on it.