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Prime Minister notified the national assembly of Minister Uroš Brežan's resignation and the proposal to dismiss Minister Irena Šinko

Today, Prime Minister Robert Golob notified the Slovenian National Assembly that he had received a letter of resignation from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, Uroš Brežan, proposing that the Minister of Infrastructure, Alenka Bratušek, temporarily take over his function.

In addition, the Prime Minister also proposed the National Assembly dismiss the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Irena Šinko.

The reason for her dismissal, according to the Prime Minister, was the absence of an appropriate and timely reaction on her part to situations that are important for protecting consumers in relation to food safety.

More specifically, the Minister failed to react appropriately to a situation that involved the Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Administration (UVHVVR) and its failure to adequately manage the crisis connected with non-compliant and unsafe food, and to provide timely, clear and reliable information on the foodstuffs that are non-compliant or not safe for consumers. Moreover, the Minister defended the UVHVVR's position and identified it as appropriate even when the issue was raised by both the professional community and the public. 

Based on all this, Irena Šinko lost the Prime Minister's trust that she can perform her work successfully and efficiently as a minister, and so he decided she can no longer perform the function of the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food.