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Golob: No need for raised alert level

Following today’s informal consultations with the National Security Council (NSC), Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob has said that based on all the information that the government has about the incident in Poland, there is no need for any rise in the level of alert, as there has been no increase in the threat assessment level.

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He emphasised that it was most likely an unfortunate accident involving the Ukrainian air defences against missile attacks by the Russian armed forces: “While yesterday this seemed to be an event that might affect the evolution and intensity of the war in Ukraine, today this seems not to be the case according to the information gathered.”

The prime minister also said that the informal consultations attended by Marjan Šarec, defence minister, Tatjana Bobnar, interior minister, Tanja Fajon, foreign minister, Bojan Kumer, infrastructure minister, and Joško Kadivnik, director of the Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency, were devoted exclusively to the incident on Poland’s border with Ukraine.

Andrej Benedejčič, secretary of the NSC, said at a press conference that the incident has no bearing on the threat to Slovenian soldiers on missions abroad, but was an indication of the serious times in which we live, and how important it is that Russia reconsiders its actions in connection with Ukraine. He also said that yesterday’s event would not cause Slovenia to step up its support for Ukraine, but that discussions are underway on how to help Ukraine right now in restoring its critical infrastructure, which has been the target of missile attacks in recent weeks.

The NSC will meet in wider session on 30 November. Mr Benedejčič added that this meeting will focus on discussing the national security implications of further Russian aggression against Ukraine.