The conference on the challenges in the European audiovisual sector has successfully ended
The proliferation of large streamed content platforms (VOD platforms) poses a major challenge to EU member states as to how to increase the competitiveness, accessibility and equal treatment of European audiovisual content. The transposition of the revised European Union Audiovisual Media Services Directive into national legislations can make an important contribution to increased promotion and visibility of European audiovisual works. The Directive establishes, inter alia, a minimum quota of European works on VOD platforms.
The conference discussions included the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies to promote and increase the visibility of European works, improving their accessibility and developing translation software, as well as the use of digital tools to make audiovisual works and media content more accessible, thus increasing the level of social inclusion. One of the important findings of the conference is that international co-productions can play an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of European audiovisual content.
Although the conference did not reach a solution that would make the European audiovisual and media sector more sustainable and increase its negotiating position in establishing competitive relations on the global market, important reflections were made on the subject. As Dr Vasko Simoniti, the Slovenian Minister of Culture and President of the EU Council for Culture, said in his introductory address, the conference was an excellent opportunity for confronting the opinions of representatives of various interest groups — decision makers, producers and creators.