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Mr Piletić, Director: We can no longer accept patients from other regions

NIJZ provided some more up-to-date information for the press conference. There are currently 20,970 confirmed coronavirus cases in Slovenia, said Ms Bratuša, the 14 day incidence is 1,006 positive cases, and the 7 day incidence is 1,477 such cases.
Maja Bratuša at the press conference

Maja Bratuša | Author Daniel Novaković, STA

The director of the Novo mesto Hospital, Milivoj Piletić, presented the trend in the number of hospitalised patients in their hospital at the press conference, which was at 70 ten days ago. Today, 110 hospital beds are already occupied, of which 16 are in intensive care units. Some weeks ago, approx. half of their patients were from other regions. Today, this share is below 10 percent. Some time ago, they were able to accept patients from other statistical regions as well. This is no longer possible, which is why they are redirecting them to other hospitals, specifically to the hospital in Nova Gorica. They are afraid, however, that the number of hospitalised patients will increase in January.