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Government adopts decision to implement border control checks for travellers between Italy and Slovenia

At its meeting by correspondence, the Government adopted a decision to start carrying out border control checks in the vicinity of the border between Slovenia and Italy on 11 March 2020. This measure is aimed at reducing the risk of spreading the contagious disease SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) in Slovenia and at protecting the health of its population.

Border control checks will be carried out for non-Slovenian nationals and persons without permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia. This will include checking for negative SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) result certificates issued by a competent authority. The certificate should be issued in the Slovenian, English or Italian language and should not be older than three days. Persons without such certificate may be denied entry into the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Border control checks will not apply to the transport of goods.

The Minister of Health will issue an order defining the implementation of the decision in more detail, including the exact time of the commencement of border control checks.