Representations Belgium
Slovenian Representations
Rue Joseph II 14
1000 Brussels
Barbara Sušnik
Ambassador -
Rue Joseph II 14
1000 Brussels
Iztok Jarc
Ambassador -
Nato HQ, Leopold III Boulevard
1110 Brussels
Dr Andrej Benedejčič
Honorary consuls
Honorary consular officers (in most cases foreign nationals) have no direct consular competences. They complement the Slovenian diplomatic network, but cannot replace it. Their role is limited to advising and offering useful information. They offer their services without remuneration, on their own and for their own account.
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Liege
Quai de Rome 56
4000 Liège
Véronique Grisard de la Rochette - Coméliau
Honorary Consul -
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Diest
Kruisstraat 84
3294 Molenstede (Diest)
Erik Luts
Honorary Consul
Foreign Representations
Schönburgstraße 10
1040 Dunaj
Austria -
Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium
Odvetniška Družba Ilić & Partnerji o.p. d.o.o., Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana