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Nursing homes provide institutional care, which includes all forms of assistance within an institution, within a second family or in some other organised form that substitutes or supplements the functions of home and family for the elderly, especially accommodation, care, organised meals and healthcare. They also provide assistance to individuals and families at home and perform tasks that include preparing the environment, family and individuals for old age.

Institutional care service

The institutional care service includes basic care and social care, as well as healthcare in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Basic care includes the residence, organised meals, technical care and transportation. Social care is a professionally managed activity intended for implementing programmes of social prevention, therapy and guidance for people entitled to institutional care. It includes the implementation of tasks of care, special forms of care, education and preparation for living and management tasks.

Care means providing assistance in maintaining personal hygiene and performance of daily activities (getting up, dressing, moving, walking, communicating and orientation). Special types of care are intended for preserving and developing independence, developing social relations, work occupation, correction and therapy of disorders, active leisure time and resolving personal and social distress.

The institutional care service can also be provided in sheltered housing.

The institutional care service is chargeable for users. If a user is unable to pay for the services due to their financial situation, a decision is made to exempt them from payment of the institutional care service in a procedure based on the Decree on the criteria for determining exemptions from the payment of social assistance services. The admission, transfer and discharge of a user in the exercise the right to institutional care is performed on the basis of the Rules on procedures for exercising the right to institutional care.