About the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation focuses on the quality development of higher education, the transfer of knowledge into practice for the development of society as a whole, and the creation of a stimulating environment for research and innovation. Our goal is for Slovenia to become a country of knowledge, science and innovation and to be recognised as such around the world.
Minister's Office
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana -
Public Relations Office
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana -
Higher Education Directorate
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationKotnikova ulica 38
1000 Ljubljana -
Science and Innovation Directorate
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana -
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana -
Service for Investments
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationKotnikova ulica 38
1000 Ljubljana -
European Affairs and International Cooperation Service
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana -
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and InnovationMasarykova cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana