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The General Affairs Division drafts proposals for general legal acts issued or submitted to the Government for adoption by the Secretariat-General, prepares legal opinions, and provides legal advice to other divisions and offices of the Secretariat-General and the Government.

It drafts and examines contracts related to the area of work of the Secretariat-General and performs tasks related to the exercise of the Secretary-General’s rights and duties as employer and to human resource management.

It ensures that public employees are kept informed, cooperates with the union of the Secretariat-General, and performs tasks related to the rights and obligations deriving from employment in the Secretariat-General, in the Office of the Prime Minister and in other government offices in accordance with decrees.

It also monitors the implementation of internal acts of the Secretariat-General and implementing regulations concerning the Secretariat-General’s area of work.

The Division participates in procedures concerning the management of tangible assets of the Secretariat-General, manages tangible assets and organises, and directs and coordinates investments of the Secretariat-General.

It also maintains buildings and premises and other fixed assets and provides technical support services for protocol events, press conferences, sessions and meetings. 

In addition to the above, it also:

  • organises the preparation and implementation of public procurement procedures,
  • manages financial operations,
  • organises and provides car services for protocol and official use,
  • manages the library, 
  • manages the reservations of meeting rooms and orders the recording of sessions and catering, and
  • performs administrative and technical tasks associated with the work of the Division.

The Division is divided into sections to perform the tasks related to a certain area, i.e. the Finance and Public Procurement Section, the Car Service Section and the Technical and Maintenance Section.


Organisational units