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TZIJZ web application (information on payments under the Public Information Access Act)

TZIJZ (transactions of persons liable for public information) web application enables access to public information on transactions debiting the persons liable under the Public Information Access Act (ZDIJZ). 

The TZIJZ web application is publicly accessible and free of charge. Registration is not required for its use.

Note: The TZIJZ web application works only in the Slovenian language.

Persons liable to publish information in the TZIJZ database

In accordance with Article 10a of the ZDIJZ, the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (UJP) enables, through the TZIJZ web application, access to public information of transactions debited to persons liable for public information:

  • public utility institutes,
  • public companies,
  • business entities in which public law entities entered in the Register of legal persons liable for public information (RZIJZ) kept by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES) have a 100% participating interest, and
  • direct and indirect budget users.

Sources of information to be published in the TZIJZ database

Information on transactions of indirect and direct budget users is obtained by the UJP from its own records, while that on transactions of other persons liable for public information entered in the RZIJZ is obtained from payment service providers, i.e. banks with which they have opened transaction accounts.

The UJP collects information on transactions debited to persons liable for public information received from other payment service providers every working day for the previous working or non-working day by 10:00 and publishes it together with information on transactions debited to direct and indirect budget users on the same day after 12:00. 

The TZIJZ database contains the information from transactions of persons liable for public information from 17 October 2014.

Personal data protection in the TZIJZ database

When publishing this information, the UJP protects personal data. If the recipient is a natural person, the information on the account and the payee is redacted with the text “Fizična oseba” (natural person), or with the text “Nakazilo v tujino” (transfer abroad) in the case of a transfer abroad.

In accordance with the provisions of the ZDIJZ, the information on the natural person is not redacted when the transaction contains an ADCS payment purpose code (payment for donor, sponsorship, consulting and other copyright or intellectual services) or when the natural person is entered in the Business Register of Slovenia.

Searching, printing and exporting data

The TZIJZ database can be searched by transaction date, name and tax number of the person liable for public information, and the data can be exported and printed.

Data search is limited to a period of one month. Printing and export are limited to one million hits. When exporting over 100,000 hits, a .csv file is created that can be opened in Excel.