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    • Metka Ipavic

      Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris

    • mag. Mateja Ipavic Modic

      Internal Audit Service
      Ministry of Public Administration

    • Aleš Irgolič

      Agricultural Markets Section
      Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development
      Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

    • Dr Alisher Iskhakov

      Honorary Consul
      Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Tashkent

    • Shenol Islam

      Honorary Consul
      Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Ohrid

    • Špela Isop

      Family Affairs Directorate
      Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

    • Suzana Ivanović

      European Affairs and International Cooperation Service
      Ministry of the Interior

    • mag. Simona Izlakar

      Inspection of the Civil Service System
      Public Sector Inspectorate
      Ministry of Public Administration

    • Mehmet Mazhar Izmiroğlu

      Honorary Consul
      Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Izmir