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Persons with disabilities, war veterans and victims of war

In the field of disability protection policy, the State has adopted a number of new regulations concerning various aspects of life and work of persons with disabilities to have in mind improvement of their quality of life and social inclusion. Slovenia was one the first countries that ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and adopted first and second Action programme for Persons with Disabilities.

Issues related to persons with disabilities, war veterans and victims of war are regulated systemically. Monitoring is being carried out on the implementation of the Action programme for Persons with Disabilities. National programme for social assistance and employment policies for persons with disabilities and in relation to societies that, according to the Ministry, operate in the public interest. The State is also implementing Protection programme for war cemeteries.

Financial and other forms of assistance

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the State provides financial assistance to persons with disabilities who are unable to provide themselves. Financial social assistance is initially granted to those with no means for meeting minimum subsistence due to their disability.

Persons with disabilities who require personal assistants for independent living and to enjoy quality life are offered with additionally, fully funded services which includes employment rehabilitation for enhancing their employment opportunities. Deaf persons can benefit from the funded services of sign language interpreters for the use of Slovenian sign language.

Equal opportunities for all

We are aware that policy decisions have an impact on daily lives of persons with disabilities; therefore, in order to achieve a productive inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in society, continuous cooperation is required among all governmental institutions, disabled people’s organisations and other organisations addressing issues relating to disability.