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The Government ensures the systematic and transparent management of public property which has an important impact on fiscal stability. The State’s public property can take the form of financial or tangible assets. Financial assets include cash, receivables, debt securities, and shares and equity interests in companies and other investments in legal entities (public institutions, public trust funds and public agencies), while tangible assets consist of movable and immovable property.

Basis for performing the key tasks of the Government

The Republic of Slovenia owns a significant share of corporate wealth accumulated by past and the present generations. Strategic and major investments partly or wholly owned by the State in particular provide the basis for performing the key tasks of the Government in terms of implementing infrastructure projects and ensuring a coordinated promotion of a balanced and sustainable economic development and other strategic goals.

Ensuring stable and long-term prosperity for residents

The strategy of managing state-owned assets pursues the aims of individual area-specific sector strategies. The main objective is to achieve a stable, balanced and sustainable economic development and thus ensure stable and long-term prosperity for Slovenia’s residents. The value and the extent of state-owned assets are an important part of Slovenia’s economy.

Government guarantee to assist companies in difficulty or to support projects in the public interest

According to law, the Republic of Slovenia may issue a guarantee for liabilities of various entities. As government guarantees may potentially constitute public debt, their status is regularly monitored.

Ensuring the transparency of financial relations

As an EU Member State, the Republic of Slovenia also ensures transparent financial relations between the central government and local government bodies on the one hand and public corporations and various entities pursuing activities in the general interest based on an exclusive or special right or public authorisation on the other.

Tangible property of the State

The Republic of Slovenia also has tangible property of its own that is required for its functioning. The State’s immovable property consists in particular of business premises for state authorities and residential and holiday units for public employees. The Government may lease or sell tangible property that is not permanently required for carrying out its tasks or may ensure their effective use in some other appropriate manner.