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  • Government adopts strategic starting points for the promotion of energy efficiency in the economy

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted last week the strategic starting points for the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the economy.

  • Minister Logar confirms Slovenia’s support for NATO’s open-door policy at NATO’s informal meeting

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Anže Logar attended a two-day informal meeting of NATO ministers of foreign affairs in Berlin. The ministers discussed the current security challenges resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • World Bee Day an opportunity to discuss the challenges of bee preservation and the activities for their survival

    In a week's time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the fifth time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. Since 2022 is the European Year of Youth, the main topic of this year's celebration are young people and beekeeping. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness among the international public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity in the light of food security, the global elimination of hunger and care for the environment and biodiversity.

  • Let us preserve migratory birds

    On Saturday, 14th May, we shall commemorate the International Migratory Bird Day. The day is meant to raise awareness on migratory birds and the need for an international collaboration for their preservation because this is our common natural heritage. This year’s International Migratory Bird Day is meant to emphasise the importance of raising awareness on light pollution. Light pollution has a significant impact on migratory birds who may lose track of their flight direction and incorrectly assess the time for their migration.

  • Minister of Digital Transformation Mark Boris Andrijanič on a working visit to Finland

    Minister of Digital Transformation Mark Boris Andrijanič paid a working visit to Finland on 4 and 5 May 2022. The main purpose of the visit was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Digital Transformation Cooperation between Slovenia and Finland.

  • 12 May shall mark the first International Day of Plant Health

    The United Nations have declared 12th May as the International Day of Plant Health, mainly to raise global awareness on how protecting the health of plants contributes to maintaining biodiversity and nature and promotes economic development. Diseases and pests harmful to plants may spread in various ways, even in luggage. Therefore, do not risk bringing plants from abroad and help keep our plants healthy.

  • Slovenia strongly condemns malicious cyber activities of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

    Slovenia, together with the European Union, its member states and international partners, condemns in the strongest terms the malicious activity conducted by the Russian Federation against Ukraine targeting the satellite KA-SAT network.

  • Government adopts the new seven-year Slovenian Tourism Strategy 2022 – 2028

    On the basis of the Promotion of Tourism Development Act, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Slovenian Tourism Strategy 2022 – 2028, which represents the basic framework for the development of Slovenian tourism in the next seven years. The strategy responds to the new circumstances and challenges faced by the tourism industry, while developing and promoting the key benefits of Slovenian tourism and our country.

  • This year's World Bee Day specifically addresses young people

    In two weeks time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the rest of the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the fifth time. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. Since 2022 is the European Year of Youth, the main topic of this year's celebration are young people and beekeeping.

  • State Secretary Dovžan at Quadrilaterale meeting

    State Secretary Gašper Dovžan took part in a Quadrilaterale meeting between Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia in Bern at the invitation of State Secretary at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Livia Leu.

  • Minister Tonin talks bilateral cooperation with his Croatian counterpart

    Matej Tonin, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, Major General Robert Glavaš, visited Croatia at the invitation of Mario Banožić, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia.

  • Children from Ukrainian Luhansk orphanage arrive in Slavina near Postojna

    On 3 May, twenty children and the accompanying staff from the Ukrainian Luhansk orphanage arrived by bus organised by the Ukrainian Embassy in Slovenia in the village of Slavina, where they will be accommodated in the local adult education centre.

  • We can remain calm as the virus is rare

    Standing in front of the Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana along with Miroslav Petrovec from the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and paediatrician and infectious disease specialist Tatjana Mrvič, the Minister of Health Janez Poklukar gave a statement regarding the severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children.

  • Minister Logar in New Delhi for bilateral talks and Raisina Dialogue 2022

    Foreign Minister Dr Anže Logar took part in the Raisina Dialogue 2022 conference held in New Delhi on 25–27 April, met with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and held other bilateral talks.

  • Slovenia to allocate 100 thousand euros emergency humanitarian aid for those affected by drought in the Horn of Africa

    State Secretary Dr Stanislav Raščan took part, via audio-video conferencing, in the hybrid High-Level Roundtable on the Horn of Africa Drought. He announced Slovenia's contribution worth EUR 100,000 for emergency humanitarian aid to the affected people in the region, which will be channelled through the World Food Programme (WFP).

  • Speech by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia at the opening of Slovenian pavilion at 59th Venice Biennale

    The Slovenian pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale opened on 21 April 2022 with the exhibition of paintings by Marko Jakše, one of Slovenia's most acclaimed painters. The Slovenian Pavilion is once again located in the Arsenale, one of the two Biennale’s main exhibition venues. The vernissage is scheduled for 23 April, with the exhibition open until 27 November 2022.