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Youth Standing Up for Human Rights

Human Rights Day is celebrated all around the world on 10 December, and this year it is devoted to the efforts of young people for human rights.
2019 Theme: Youth Standing Up for Human Rights

2019 Theme: Youth Standing Up for Human Rights | Author United Nations

The Human Rights Ombudsman, Peter Svetina, notes that when we speak of human rights, we are speaking about dignity. “All people are born free, we have the same dignity and same rights,” he underlined. Slovenia invests efforts every day in securing respect for human rights, including in its foreign policy. On this year’s Human Rights Day, Foreign Minister Miro Cerar and other Slovenian representatives are taking part in various international events to support this objective.

Minister Cerar attended the international conference “Advocacy for Human Rights in the 21st Century” in Berlin, and took part in the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, which in part was devoted to the international Human Rights Day. In Geneva, Slovenia hosted an event on the start of the fourth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2020-2024), aimed at young people. Together with other member states of the Platform for Human Rights Education, Slovenia is an initiator of the World Programme and the resolutions on education and training for human rights at the UN Human Rights Council. In its foreign policy Slovenia also devotes special attention to the rights of children, as can be seen in numerous activities. At this time Slovenian representatives are participating at a symposium on human rights education under the auspices of UNESCO in Paris.

The theme of this year’s Human Rights Day – Youth Standing Up for Human Rights – in fact highlights the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the importance of taking account of young people in our efforts towards a better world. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights notes that the participation of young people is essential for achieving sustainable development for all. Young people play a decisive role in positive changes, and by knowing and demanding their rights they create benefit for the entire world. Through this year’s campaign the Office wishes to highlight the leading role of youth in mass movements as a source of inspiration for a better future, including under the slogan “Never too young to change the world”.