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Slovenia welcomes the establishment of the OECD Artificial Intelligence Observatory

The OECD has established an artificial intelligence observatory to help countries develop and control responsible artificial intelligence systems through collecting data and preparing analysis.
Slovenia welcomes the establishment of the observatory particularly because it will comprehensively examine the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in a number of areas

Slovenia welcomes the establishment of the observatory particularly because it will comprehensively examine the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in a number of areas | Author Tamino Petelinšek, STA

The establishment is welcomed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which noted that the Jožef Stefan Institute also participated in setting up the observatory.

The observatory will operate as an inclusive internet platform through which the participating countries, together with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), are to develop artificial intelligence policy and share relevant experience.

The establishment of the observatory further strengthens the implementation of the OECD recommendation on artificial intelligence endorsed by the OECD Member States at their May 2019 ministerial meeting and represents the first intergovernmental standard in the field. The observatory is open to the participation of interested OECD countries, partner countries, international organisations and non-governmental stakeholders.

Slovenia welcomes the establishment of the observatory particularly because it will comprehensively examine the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in a number of areas. In addition, Slovenia particularly emphasises the importance of seeking synergies between the activities of the OECD observatory and aspects of artificial intelligence addressed by the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the UN.