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Slovenia makes successful presentation at international film production fair in London

One of the world’s largest international fairs promoting filming locations, FOCUS 2019, was held in London this week.
Promotional campaign "Slovenia. Any European story. Within two hours. Drive less. Film more. Film in Slovenia."

Promotional campaign "Slovenia. Any European story. Within two hours. Drive less. Film more. Film in Slovenia." | Author SFC archives

The Slovenian Film Centre in cooperation with the Slovenian Tourist Board made a presentation at the fair for the second time this year, under the slogan Slovenia. Any European story. Within two hours. Drive less. Film more. Film in Slovenia.

The purpose of these promotional events is to present Slovenia as a filming destination. Slovenia’s idyllic and picturesque landscapes provide a wide variety of filming locations, while the newly-introduced 25 percent money-back incentive for foreign productions and producers, in line with the practice in most European countries, provides an added inducement to film in Slovenia.

The key factors that rank Slovenia among exclusive film locations include well-preserved historical buildings, the large number of attractive locations at close distances, and the fact that you can film both in the mountains and by the sea in a single day. And on the next day, your film crew could be filming on the Karst or the Pannonian Plain. In order to assist Slovenian and foreign film producers, the Slovenian Film Centre has set up the website, where producers can find basic information on Slovenia as a filming location.