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Signing of the Joint Declaration on the future of Cohesion Policy beyond 2027 by Ministers responsible for Cohesion in Prague

At the Informal Ministerial Meeting of the Visegrad Group and seven other member states of the European Union, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, Ministers responsible for Cohesion signed a Joint Declaration on the future of Cohesion Policy beyond 2027. The Joint Declaration emphasizes the need for strengthening Cohesion Policy and for the Policy to remain the EU’s main investment policy with the aim of reducing development disparities between EU member states and regions.
Skupinska fotografija predstavnikov 11 držav, med njimi minister Jevšek. V prvi vrsti stoji evropska komisarka Elisa Ferreira.

Representatives of 11 states, including Minster Jevšek and European Commissioner Elisa Ferreira | Author Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development

The Joint Declaration was signed on behalf of Slovenia by Dr Aleksander Jevšek, Minister for Cohesion and Regional Development. The Minister underlined that Cohesion Policy should adapt to the needs of regions and local communities: “The potentials of all regions should be identified. The bottom-up approach should also be strengthened. The key feature of the future Cohesion Policy is to strategically direct investments into actions that respond to the specific needs of regions.”

Minister Jevšek also drew attention to the need for improving governance and introducing simplifications in Cohesion Policy implementation. The Minister underlined that it is our shared responsibility to contribute – also in the frame of Cohesion Policy – to the integrated development, resilience and prosperity of all member states and regions of the European Union. “Our job is to create conditions for every EU citizen to live anywhere, allowing them to maximize their potential.” 

The Joint Declaration, signed by 11 countries, including Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, reaffirms the key role of Cohesion Policy in EU's development and sets the stage for further discussions on its future beyond 2027.