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Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development approves €21 million of EU funding for entrepreneurs

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the Call for proposals for the implementation of integrated support services for innovative individuals and innovative start-ups 2024-2025 (Start-up consortium) and for the project Small scale incentives via vouchers. The call for proposals and the vouchers will make a total of 21.16 million euros available for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs.
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EU funding for entrepreneurs | Author Freepik

Small-scale incentive scheme that facilitates access to co-financing for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to be delivered under the project Small scale incentives through vouchers. Financial support will help enterprises strengthen competitiveness and build competences in line with good foreign practices. This will be reflected in faster SME growth and a bigger share of SME revenues in total business sector revenues. As part of the project, SME performance will be addressed both to help SMEs avoid falling behind in growth and development compared to larger enterprises and to influence the decisions of future or potential entrepreneurs concerning their entrepreneurial journey. In this context, the Slovene Enterprise Fund will publish several calls for vouchers with the first ones presumably published already this month. The contribution from the European Regional Development Fund to the project that is worth a total of 38,510,505.00 euros will stand at 20,000,000 euros. 

The Call for proposals Start-up consortium will contribute to improving the support environment for innovative start-ups by providing free support services for innovative potential entrepreneurs and innovative start-ups.

 Under the call, support will be provided in two ways:

  • through the promotion of innovative entrepreneurial culture, such as start-up events, and
  • through the implementation of comprehensive support services, particularly start-up programmes, start-up advisory services, and mentoring.

The Slovene Enterprise Fund will publish the call for proposals in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia on 12 April 2024.

The overall budget of the call for proposals stands at 1,841,666.67 euros. The call will receive a contribution from the European Regional Development Fund totalling nearly 1.2 million euros, more specifically 1,167,616.67 euros.

Both the call for proposals and the project will be implemented under priority Innovative knowledge-based society of Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 with the aim to achieve specific objective RSO1.3: Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments.