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EU funding for boosting employment

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has issued two grant decisions for boosting employment, namely for the project Boosting employment – and for the Call for proposals to co-finance social activation+ projects.
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EU funding for boosting employment | Author Freepik

“EU funding for both the project and the call for proposals will improve finding high-quality jobs faster as well as enhance social inclusion of those not in employment,” said Minister Jevšek regarding the EU funding approval. 

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved the European Social Fund Plus resources as the EU contribution and the national funding for the project Boosting employment – The aim of the said project, implemented by the Employment Service of Slovenia as the entity implementing Active Employment Policy measures, is to encourage employers to employ vulnerable unemployed target group individuals for a period of at least 12 months. The individuals included in the project will have easier access to regular jobs and acquire new work experience and competencies, which will significantly improve their long-term social inclusion and equal labour market opportunities. The target group individuals are people not in employment and at high risk of being unemployed for a longer period, the long-term unemployed, in particular those with lower educational levels, and those over 50 years of age.

The total amount of funding available for implementing the project Boosting employment – is EUR 120,960,000.00, of which the European Union contribution stands at nearly EUR 92 million, i.e., EUR 91,932,736.69. 

The Ministry has also approved the European Social Fund Plus resources as the EU contribution and the national funding for the Call for proposals to co-finance social activation+ projects, namely thirty multiannual social activation+ projects. Social activation programmes will focus on the implementation of various activities that will strengthen the social, functional and work competencies of target group individuals. Entities implementing the projects will ensure integration with other social security, healthcare, and employment programmes. 

The total amount of funding available under the call for proposals is EUR 19,999,875.00, of which the European Union support amounts to just over EUR 14.2 million, i.e., EUR 14,299,910.60. The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities will publish the call for proposals in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia on Friday, 29 March 2024.

The approved project and the call for proposals are implemented under Slovenia’s EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027.