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EU funding for innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Content support to accelerate the global and sustainable growth of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – DevelopmentPlus Programme.
EU funding for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises

EU funding for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises | Author Freepik

As part of the EU-supported project, the Slovene Enterprise Fund (SEF) will provide a range of highly specialised and targeted support services, such as mentoring, expert advice, group education and training, study visits, networking, match-making and promotional services. The SEF will provide these services in various business areas, such as business model design, product development and marketing, entry and expansion in foreign markets, integration into value chains, operating according to sustainable and circular principles, etc. The project will thus contribute to improving the supportive environment for innovative (start-up) entrepreneurship and strengthening the knowledge, skills, and competencies of potential entrepreneurs, innovative start-ups, and other innovative SMEs.

The project Content support to accelerate the global and sustainable growth of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (DevelopmentPlus Programme) is implemented as part of Slovenia’s Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, under the priority Innovative knowledge-based society and pursues the specific objective Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments.

The project is worth EUR 4,481,861.20, with the European Regional Development Fund contribution standing at almost EUR 3 million, specifically EUR 2,841,499.99.