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EU funding for the SOVIR system upgrade

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Upgrading the SOVIR system for early warning, awareness-raising and adaptation to weather-related emergencies in a changing climate.
SOVIR system upgrade

SOVIR system upgrade | Author Freepik

As part of the EU co-funded project, the Slovenian Environment Agency will upgrade the system for early warning, awareness-raising and adaptation to weather-related emergencies in a changing climate. The actions to achieve the set objective include updating the website that provides information and warnings to the public with the aim of reducing the natural risk to people and protecting their property in the event of weather-related natural disasters, developing and upgrading tools for effectively informing and warning the public of hazardous meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic conditions and emergencies, and the upgrading of the measuring and information infrastructure for continuous monitoring and forecasting of meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic conditions.  

The project Upgrading the SOVIR system for early warning, awareness-raising and adaptation to weather-related emergencies in a changing climate is implemented as part of Slovenia’s Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027, under the priority of Green transformation for climate neutrality and pursues the specific objective of Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches.  

The project is worth EUR 23,048,148.63 with the Cohesion Fund contribution standing at almost EUR 11.5 million, specifically EUR 11,475,000.00.